[by:可可英语网~m.moreplr.com] [00:00:50]1.What kind of people need to exit their country? 哪些人需要出境? [00:05:19]2.What does a teenage boy need to get ready if he wants to study abroad? 一个十几岁的男孩如果想要出境读书,需要准备些什么? [00:11:38]3.Do you know the restrictions about the carry-on items for exiting? 你知道出境随身携带的物品有何限制吗? [00:17:44]4.What are the things that are forbidden to take in departure? 出境时禁止携带哪些物品? [00:22:43]5.What do you know about displaced persons? 关于驱逐出境人员的相关事宜你知道些什么? [00:27:49]6.People may exit their country for multinational marriage, employment, study or investment. 人们由于跨国婚姻、就业、学习或投资而需要出境。 [00:36:14]7.You can take small sum of money and important items such as passport and keys and business documents and so on. 出境时可携带少量现金和必要的物品,如护照、钥匙和商业文件等。 [00:45:33]8.There is a long list of those things forbidden, including explosives, gum opium and precious cultural relics and so on. 禁止携带的物品能列出很多,其中包括炸药、鸦片和珍贵文物等。 [00:57:27]9.We need scheduled offence and official documents from the government for removal. 我们需要一个罪行列表和政府的官方文件才能把他驱逐出境。 [01:02:56]10.At last, he can go to the division of exit-entry administration of Public Security Bureau in his district to finish the procedures. 最后到所在区的公安局出人境管理处完成所有的申请程序。 [01:12:56]Dialogue 1 对话 1 [01:15:14]you know the restrictions about the carry-on items for exiting? 你知道出境时随身携带的物品有何限制吗? [01:19:52]Yes, you can take small sum of money and important items such as passport and keys and business documents and so on. 知道,出境时可携带少量现金和必要的物品,如护照、钥匙 和商业文件等。 [01:27:45]What are the things that are forbidden to take in departure? 出境时禁止携带哪些物品? [01:32:59]There is a long list of those things forbidden. including explosives, gum opium and prccious cultural relies and so on. 禁止携带的物品能列出很多,其中包括炸药、鸦片和珍贵文物等。 [01:42:13]Dialogue 2 对话 2 [01:42:54]What should you do if you find out a man may has an illegal departure in exit control point? 如果在出境关卡发现有一人可能是非法出境,你该怎么做? [01:50:46]We can inform the department in charge and ask for revocation of passport. 我们应该通知有关部门,请求撤销护照。 [01:55:24]What else do you need to keep him in temporary custody? 除此之外还需要什么来对他进行暂时的羁押? [02:01:12]We need a detention warrant. 我们需要羁押令。