[by:可可英语网~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]The Centers for Disease Control say the U.S. and worldwide response to the Ebola epidemic in Western Africa is ramping up at just the right time, 疾病控制中心称,美国,及全球对西非埃博拉疫情的响应与日俱增,并且回应得正是时候, [00:07.83]as mathematical models show a lack of response now would be utterly devastating. 因为数学模型显示,此时要是缺乏响应,那将会是致命的。 [00:13.08](Frieden) "If cases continue to increase exponentially, 弗里登说:“如果响应继续以指数形式增加, [00:17.08]there will be a lot of them fairly soon." 那么,很快的,很多感染者便能好转。” [00:19.19]Dr. Tom Frieden, the CDC director says that based on out of date numbers from August, 疾病控制中心主任汤姆·弗里登博士说,根据八月的过期数据推算, [00:24.16]Ebola might have spread to a million or more people, 埃博拉病毒可能会扩散到100万甚至更多的人, [00:27.27]but that won't happen as long as the global response pushes forward. 但只要能推动全球响应,这种情况就不会发生了。 [00:30.65]Eben Brown, FOX News Radio. 这里是福克斯新闻广播,Eben Brown为您播报。