[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:02.32]The Mai Po marshes are part of the Pearl River estuary, 米埔沼泽是珠江口的一部分, [00:07.06]whose muddy shores abound with crabs, worms and mud-skippers. 螃蟹、虫子和泥鳅在这个泥质海滩上俯拾即是。 [00:26.22]Exposed at low tide, this smorgasbord of mud-life attracts both waders and the gei wai birds. 退潮时暴露出泥中生命的就像自助餐一样,不仅吸引了涉禽,还吸引了基围的鸟儿。 [00:35.44]Here on the mudflats of Inner Deep Bay, each kind of bird has its own specific feeding zone 在后海湾内湾的泥滩上,每种鸟类都拥有自己的领地: [00:59.03]defined by the depth of the water, the length of its beak and its feeding technique. 这决定于水的深度、它们的喙长和捕食的技巧。