[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:09.23]Unit 7 Conversation 1 I was born in Seoul. 我出生在首尔。 [00:11.00] Who is this boy in the photo? 照片上的这个男孩是谁? [00:14.20] It's me when I was 3 years old. 那是三岁的我。 [00:16.90] You were very cute and diferent from now. 你当时很可爱,和现在不一样了。 [00:20.00] Yes. I was very short and thin. 是的,我那时又矮又瘦。 [00:23.00] Weren't you born in America? 难道你不是出生在美国吗? [00:25.00] No, I was not. I was born in Seoul. 不,我不是。我出生在首尔。 [00:28.00] Could you ride a bike when you were 3? 你三岁时就会骑自行车? [00:30.90] Yeah, I think I was really smart. 是的,我觉得我那时很聪明。