[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00] Unit 5 Conversation 2: 单元五 对话二 [00:07.14] I get more pay than before. 现在我的薪资比以前更多。 [00:11.00] A: Hey, Jack. How do you like your new job in Seoul? 嘿,杰克。你觉得首尔的新工作怎么样? [00:16.00] B: It couldn't be better. It is much better than in L.A. 再好不过了,它比洛杉矶好很多。 [00:19.40] A: Well, you got good pay in L.A. 哦,你之前在洛杉矶工资很好。 [00:22.10] B: I get more pay now than before. 现在我的薪资比以前更多。 [00:24.30] A: Really? You are so lucky. How about a house? 真的吗?你是如此幸运。房子怎么样? [00:28.70] B: Well, the house here is smaller than in L.A. , but it is also much cheaper. I can spend less money on housing. 嗯,这儿的房子比洛杉矶小,但是更便宜。我可以在房子上花费更少。 [00:36.40] A: That's good. How is the night life there? 那挺好的。那儿的夜生活怎么样? [00:39.50] B: Seoul has more restaurants and clubs around the town. It is quieter and safer than in L.A. 首尔在城镇周围有更多的饭店和俱乐部,它要比洛杉矶更安静和安全。 [00:45.30] A: You seem to really enjoy it. So, when can I visit you? 你似乎很享受它。那么,我什么时候可以拜访你?