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  • BEC商务情景对话第三十四期

    A: Yes, Mr. Mason, I just checked with our office manager Ms. Terry, she said Mr. Smith briefed her on your project. She is just finishing up a meeting now. She should be with you shortly. Would you

    2009-07-02 编辑:qihui 标签:

  • BEC商务情景对话第三十三期

    A: How can I help you?B:Yes, I am James Mason from Anderson and Associates. I would like to see Mr. Smith.A:Do you have an appointment?B:Yes, he knows I’m coming. Our meeting is set for 2 o’clock.A

    2009-07-01 编辑:qihui 标签:

  • BEC商务情景对话第三十二期

    A: It sounds so complicated! B: No, not really. Don’t worry about it, like I said there’ll be a lot of people there doing the same thing that you are doing, so just follow the crowd. (1)There’s on

    2009-06-30 编辑:qihui 标签:

  • BEC商务情景对话第三十一期

    A: And after I buy the ticket, where should I go? B: You can take the red line train from here, but you’ll have to transfer to the blue line at Fuxingmen transfer station. After you transfer, take t

    2009-06-29 编辑:qihui 标签:

  • BEC商务情景对话第三十期

    A: Excuse me, can you help me figure out how to get to the Wudaokou subway station from here?B: Sure……First you’re going to have to buy a ticket to ride on the subway. The Wudaokou station is on t

    2009-06-28 编辑:qihui 标签:

  • BEC商务情景对话第二十九期

    A: Is it expensive to ride on the underground?B: You can get a daily pass that will allow you to travel unlimited for the whole day for about 6 dollars. Otherwise, you can pay by trip, which is about

    2009-06-26 编辑:qihui 标签:

  • BEC商务情景对话第二十八期

    A:The subway? But is there a subway station next to my hotel? I have to go between the conference center and the hotel several times a day……B:No worries, there is a subway station at the conference

    2009-06-25 编辑:qihui 标签:

  • BEC商务情景对话第二十七期

    A:It’s my first visit to Prague, I’ll be here for three days for a conference, then I have a day on my own to do some sightseeing before I head back home. What do you suggest I see when I ‘m here?

    2009-06-24 编辑:qihui 标签:

  • BEC商务情景对话第二十六期

    F: Oh dear, well, it looks like we have a few rooms available. Can I put you in to a room on 17th floor? It has a balcony and it doesn't face the highway.M: Ok, that would be very nice! What d...

    2009-06-23 编辑:qihui 标签:

  • BEC商务情景对话第二十五期

    ——M: Excuse me, can you help me? I’d like to change rooms if possible, I couldn’t sleep at all last night because the people in the room next to mine were making a lot of noise. Also, if at all p

    2009-06-22 编辑:qihui 标签:

  • BEC商务情景对话第二十四期

    ——A:Even if our company didn't have a dress code, I still think people would wear formal clothing to work.——B:I wouldn't be so sure... People want to wear what they feel most comfortable ...

    2009-06-20 编辑:qihui 标签:

  • BEC商务情景对话第二十三期

    ——Where is Bill? The ambassador’s already here. The meeting is set to start at 9 am.——He is late again. Traffic is probably holding him up. You know, he commutes from the suburbs. It’s not easy

    2009-06-19 编辑:qihui 标签:

  • BEC商务情景对话第二十二期

    ——I came up with a few different thoughts on the proposal, but now I’ve completely run out of ideas.——Maybe we can shelve the proposal for a while while you brainstorm.——We could do that. But

    2009-06-18 编辑:qihui 标签:

  • BEC商务情景对话第二十一期

    ——Do you get along with your boss?——Actually I do. She is really understanding and reasonable most of the time. There was only one time I can’t really agree with her.——When was that?——Once s

    2009-06-17 编辑:qihui 标签:

  • BEC商务情景对话第二十期

    -- How are things at the office lately?--Just awful.Two weeks ago, we got a new boss, and I can’t stand him! He is really unreasonable about our workload. Since he came, I’ve been so busy I haven’

    2009-06-16 编辑:qihui 标签:

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