A great leap toward China's victory
"To the people in Wuhan, it is recognized that the world is in your debt, and when this disease finishes, hopefully, we will have a chance to thank the people in Wuhan for the role that they played in it," Bruce Aylward, co-head of the China-WHO Joint Mission, said in Beijing on Feb 24.
“我们要认识到武汉人民所做的贡献,世界亏欠你们!我想当这场疫情过去的时候,希望有机会代表世界再一次感谢武汉人民,” 中国-世界卫生组织新冠肺炎联合专家考察组外方组长布鲁斯·艾尔沃德2月24日在北京说道。
Aylward is a top Canadian epidemiologist. He and his team made a field trip to China from Feb 16-24 to "rapidly inform the next steps in the COVID-19 response and preparedness activities in China and globally," according to Reuters.
During the visit, Aylward witnessed China's rapid and efficient measures to fight the coronavirus epidemic that had engulfed Wuhan and was threatening the rest of the country.
During an interview with The New York Times, he said that he "feels he has been to the mountaintop – and has seen what's possible."
艾尔沃德在接受《纽约时报》采访时表示,他“觉得自己立于山巅 —— 看到了一切的可能性。”
"People are mobilized, like a war ... they really saw themselves as on the frontlines of protecting the rest of China, and the world," he said.
He beheld the trip with awe and respect.

Behind the scenes there are anchors of China's disease control work: putting the city under lockdown, shutting down public transportation, canceling flights and trains, and closing schools and factories. These measures, coupled with the meticulous tracking of close contacts of infected people and mass quarantines of all confirmed and suspected cases, have changed the course of what was a rapidly escalating epidemic, Aylward said. "The only successful measure we know so far to contain COVID-19 is in China," he added.
He then urged the rest of the world to understand the strategy adopted by China and learn from the country's effective knowledge and tools in battling the novel coronavirus.
"China's counterattack can be replicated, but it will require speed, money, imagination and political courage," Aylward told The New York Times.
To share the most up-to-date COVID-19 control and prevention information, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published a manual in both English and French. People and organizations can download it from the CDC website.
"China is ready to work with the international community to address these challenges," Wang Yi, State Councilor and Foreign Minister said in a signed article published on March 1 by Qiushi Journal.