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点此下载: 兰溪一中高三英语试卷

1.The argument remains after the heated discussion __________ it is worthwhile for China to send rescue workers to help Japan when an earthquake shakes again.
A. that B. which C. if D. whether
2. ---Look! Everything here is under construction.
---What’s the pretty small house that ___________ for?
A. is being built B. has been built C. is built D. is building
3. Helen is now working harder to __________ for the time she lost when she visited the US in October.
A. keep up B. catch up C. make up D. take up
4. I advise you leave the company as soon as possible __________ you get yourself into trouble.
A. before B. until C. as soon as D. in that case
5. ---Are you returning to your hometown this weekend?
---Yes. By the way, do you have anything _________ to your family?
A. taken B. to take C. to be taken D. taking
6. I have been keeping the portrait _________ I can see it every day _________ it always reminds me of my childhood in the mountain village.
A. since; because B. where; as C. there; since D. if; as
7. Can it be in the church theatre _________ you saw the musicals with your host family yesterday evening _________ you left behind your digital camera?
A. that; where B. where; that C. that; that D. where; where
8. I first met Miss Shen, my schoolmate, in Boston after we finished middle school. She ____________ law at Harvard University then.
A. studied B. has studied C. is studying D. was studying
9. When caught ___________ in the exam, he begged for my pardon and tried ___________ punishment.
A. cheating; escaping B. cheating; to escape
C. to be cheating; escaping D. to be cheating; to escape
10. After graduation from Beijing University, she went to MIT for __________ study.
A. further B. farther C. oversea D. abroad
11. ---How will I _________ you at the station?
---Well, I’m wearing a hat and I’ve got a big black umbrella with me.
A. recognize B. notice C. see D. realize
12. Jenny was reading Harry Porter all morning, completely __________ to the outside world.
A. having been lost B. to be lost C. losing D. lost
13. ---He looks tired out.
---So _________ you if you worked in the hot summer sun for the whole afternoon.
A. may B. must C. do D. would
14. I want to import 100 tons of apples produced in Boston area because I _________ they __________ well in our city.
A. have told; sell B. have been told; sell
C. was told; sold D. have been told; are sold
15. The harder you study, the more questions you will think of ___________.
A. asking B. to ask C. being asked D. to be asked
16. The foreign teacher Mr Halt has a strange way of writing. Here’s a notice from him, but no clear
___________ of what he has written can be made at all.
A. explanation B. meaning C. idea D. sense
点此下载: 兰溪一中高三英语试卷

重点单词   查看全部解释    
escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃

construction [kən'strʌkʃən]


n. 建设,建造,结构,构造,建筑物

porter ['pɔ:tə]


n. 搬运工,门房,(火车卧铺车厢或豪华车厢的)乘务员,

recognize ['rekəgnaiz]


vt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激

earthquake ['ə:θkweik]


n. 地震

portrait ['pɔ:trit]


n. 肖像,画像
adj. (文件页面)

explanation [.eksplə'neiʃən]


n. 解释,说明

rescue ['reskju:]


vt. 营救,援救
n. 营救,救援

worthwhile ['wə:θ'wail]


adj. 值得(做)的

pardon ['pɑ:dn]


n. 原谅,赦免
vt. 宽恕,原谅


关键字: 高三 期中 英语




