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计算机专业英语教程第2版 第8期:网络体系结构

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Network architecture describes how computer network is arranged and how computer resources are shared.

There are a number of specialized terms that describes computer network. Some terms often used with networks are: node, client, server, network operating system, distributed processing and host computer.
A node is any device that is connected to a network. It could be a computer, printer, or communication or data storage device.
A client is a node that requests and uses resources available from other nodes. Typically, a client is a user's microcomputer.
A server is a node that shares resources with other nodes. Depending on the resources shared, it may be called a file server, printer server, communication server, or database server.
Network operating system likes Windows, it controls and coordinate the activities between computers on a network. These activities include electronic communication, information, and resource sharing.
In a distributed processing system, computing power is located and shared at different locations. This type of system is common in decentralized organizations where divisional offices have their own computer systems. The computer systems in the divisional offices are networked to the organization's main or centralized computer.
Host computer is a large centralized computer, usually a minicomputer or a mainframe.
A network may consist only of microcomputers, or it may integrate microcomputers or other devices with large computers. Networks can be controlled by all nodes working together equally or by specialized nodes coordinating and supplying all resources. Networks may be simple or complex, self-contained or dispersed over a large geographical area.
网络可以仅仅由微机组成,或者可以是微机或其他设备与较大计算机结合起来的。网络可以由一起平等工作的所有节点来控制,或者是由协调和供应所有资源的专用节点控制。 网络可以是简单的或复杂的,独立的或分散在大的地理区域内的。
Configuration:A network can be arranged or configured in several different ways. The four principal configurations are star, bus, ring, and hierarchical.
In a star network, a number of small computers or peripheral devices are linked to a central unit. This central unit may be a host computer or a file server. All communications pass through this central unit. Control is maintained by polling. That is, each connecting device is asked whether it has a message to send. Each device is then in turn allowed to send its message. One particular advantage of the star form of network is that it can be used to provide a time-sharing system. That is, several users can share resources ("time") on a central computer. The star is a common arrangement for linking several microcomputers to a mainframe that allows access to an organization’s database.
In a bus network, each device in the network handles its own communications control. There is no host computer. All communications travel along a common connecting cable called a bus. As the information passes along the bus, it's examined by each device to see if the information is intended for it. The bus network is typically used when only a few microcomputers are to be linked together. This arrangement is common in systems for electronic mail or for sharing data stored on different microcomputers. The bus network is not as efficient as the star network for sharing common resources. (This is because the bus network is not a direct link to the resource.) However, a bus network is less expensive and is in very common use.
In a ring network, each device is connected to two other devices, forming a ring. There is no central file server or computer. Message are passed around the ring until they reach the correct destination. With microcomputers, the ring arrangement is the least frequently used of the four networks. However, it often is used to link mainframes, especially over wide geographical areas. These mainframes tend to operate fairly autonomously. They perform most or all of their own processing and only occasionally share data and programs with other mainframes. A ring network is useful in a decentralized organization because it makes possible a distributed data processing system. That is, computers can perform processing tasks at their own dispersed locations. However, they can also share programs, data and other resources with each other.
The hierarchical network consists of several computers linked to a central host computer, just like a star network. However, these other computers are also hosts to other, smaller computers or to peripheral devices. Thus, the host at the top of the hierarchy could be a mainframe. The computers below the mainframe could be minicomputers, and those below, microcomputers. The hierarchical network—also called a hybrid network—allows various computers to share databases, processing power, and different output devices. A hierarchical network is useful in centralized organizations. For example, different departments within an organization may have individual microcomputers connected to departmental minicomputers. The minicomputers in turn may be connected to the corporation’s mainframe, which contains data and programs accessible to all.
Strategies:Every network has a strategy or way of coordinating the sharing of information and resources. The most common network strategies are peer-to-peer and client/server systems.
In a peer-to-peer network system nodes can act as both servers and clients. For example, one microcomputer can obtain files located on another microcomputer and can also provide files to other microcomputers. A typical configuration for a peer-to-peer system is the bus network. Commonly used net operating systems are Apple's Macintosh Peer-to-Peer LANs, Novell’s Netware Lite, and Microsoft's Windows for Workgroups. There are several advantages to using this type of strategy. The networks are inexpensive and easy to install, and they usually work well for smaller systems with less than ten nodes. As the number of nodes increases, however, the performance of the network declines. Another disadvantage is the lack of powerful management software to effectively monitor a large network's activities. For these reasons, peer-to-peer network are typically used by small networks.
在对等网络系统中,节点既可以是服务器也可以是客户。例如,一个微机可以获得位于另一个微机上的文件并且也给其他的微机可以提供文件。对等系统的典型结构是总线型网络。通常使用的网络操作系统有Apple公司的Macintosh Peer-to-peer LANS, Novell公司 的Netware Lite和Microsoft公司的Windows for Workgroups使用这类策略有几个优点。这种网络不贵且易于安装,对于少于10个节点的较小的系统运作得很好。然而,当节点的数目增加时,网络的性能就会降低。另一个缺点是缺乏强大的管理软件以有效地监控大的网络活动。由于这些原因,对等网络一般用于小型网络中。
Client/server network systems use one powerful computer to coordinate and supply services to all other nodes on the network. This strategy is based on specialization. Server nodes coordinate and supply specialized services, and client nodes request the services. Commonly used net operating systems are Novell's Netware, Microsoft's LAN and Windows NT. One advantage of client/server network systems is their ability to handle very large networks efficiently. Another advantage is the powerful network management software that monitors and controls the network's activities. The major disadvantages are the cost of installation and maintenance.
客户/服务器网络系统使用一个功能强大的计算机来协调并为网络上的其他节点提供服务。这一策略是基于专业化的。服务器节点协调和提供专门的服务,客户节点请示服务。 通常使用的网络操作系统有:Novell公司的Netware, Microsoft公司的LAN和Windows NT。 客户/服务器网络系统的一个优点是能够有效地处理大的网络活动。另一个优点是它的监视和控制网络活动的强有力的网络管理软件。其主要缺点是安装和维护的费用较高。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
arrangement [ə'reindʒmənt]


n. 安排,商议,整理,布置,商定,[音]改编,改编曲

occasionally [ə'keiʒənəli]


adv. 偶尔地

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

hierarchy ['haiərɑ:ki]


n. 等级制度,层级[计],统治集团

storage ['stɔridʒ]


n. 贮藏,存储,保管,保管费,仓库,[计]存储器

accessible [æk'sesəbl]


adj. 可得到的,易接近的,可进入的

network ['netwə:k]


n. 网络,网状物,网状系统
vt. (

integrate ['intigreit]


v. 整合,使 ... 成整体
adj. 组合

effectively [i'fektivli]


adv. 事实上,有效地

destination [.desti'neiʃən]


n. 目的地,终点,景点





