Topic22. describe a special meal
PART3:中国人买菜的习惯如何?中国人的食品的消费习惯;Do you think children should learn to cook; Why; Should school have some courses about cook; Why;为什么supermarket 在中国受欢迎;你觉得去STORE方面还是去supermarket方便;随着超市越来越多,有什么负面影响;你觉得中国人会改变消费观吗;你家谁做饭吗?政府可以做些什么让人们吃健康的食物?Where do Chinese people get traditional food; Is supermarket popular in china; Why; Is this a problem to some small shops;
Topic23. 一个帮助过你的人
Topic24. a book
PART3:What do you think is a suitable age for children to start to learn to read;the influence on reading on the Internet;whether different age group have different reading material;什么年龄小孩可以开始读书;小时候读的书对以后有什么影响;如果小孩不喜欢读书而喜欢玩电脑,有什么方法能让他们读书;有些家长直接关了电脑,你觉得这个方法怎么样;对E—book有什么看法
Topic25. picnic
Topic26. 电子产品
PART3:What kind of electronic machine do people have in their home? How does it change people's life? Compare the ancient machine and modern machine; what machines will be like in the future? Do old people like to use them as young people do? Do you think people are forced to accept that electronic machine or have a chance to refuse it? 机器与电子产品的区别;