grave-gym A groan or a moan
Only the husband understood the gravity of the situation. Years ago,
只有丈夫懂得情况的严 重性。 几年前,
when he, the groom had kissed his bride at the end of their wedding ceremony, a supposedly groundbreaking moment in their relationship,
他作为新郎在婚礼结束 的时候吻了他的新娘-- 这大概是两人关系开天 辟地的时刻,
she had groaned. Everyone thought it was a moan.But he had held a grudge ever since.
她却在这个时候呻吟 了一下。 新郎却从此怀恨在心。
Now they had been married for two years and he knew that her three hours each night at the gym
如今他们已经结婚两年 了, 他知道她每晚在健身 房待三个小时
was not just for exercising. That was a gross lie
不只是为了锻炼。 锻炼是十足的谎言,
and he couldn't believe that she didn't know that he knew that she was seeing someone else.
他不相信她不清楚 他已经知道她在和别 人约会。
The next night when he gullibly assented to her "going out to exercise",
第二天晚上, 他轻易上当地同意 她"外出锻炼",
he followed and took pictures of her in the grip of another man. He grumbled all the way home that this was enough grievance for a divorce.
然后跟踪她, 拍下了她 被另一个男人拥抱的照 片。 回家时他一路上都在发 牢骚, 说这种冤情足以 让人离婚。
When she returned home that night he had a grave expression on his face.
那天晚上她回到家时, 他脸上表情沉重。
"I have an ax to grind with you." He said. He threw the photos on the table.
"我要跟你算算账。" 说着 他把拍的照片扔在桌上
But she was on her guard and didn't look guilty at all. "That's my gym coach!" She said.
但她很警惕, 脸上毫无 内疚之色。 "他是我的健身教练!" 她回答道,
"There was a large gust of wind and he was just helping me not fall. I can guarantee that it was totally innocent.
"当时刮起一阵狂风, 他不过是在扶我, 怕我摔倒而已。 我可以保证这件事完全 是清白的。
Oh, and see the paper in his hand with my exercise grid for the week? Those have all the guidelines for my routine.
噢, 瞧见他手上拿的纸 了吗?那是我一周锻炼 计划的坐标方格。 日常锻炼的标准都在上 面。
He was just there to give them to me!" Even after the plate that her husband then threw grazed her on her head,
他去那儿正是为了给我 那些东西!" 即使在她丈夫扔出去的 盘子擦伤了她的头部之 后,
the wife did not change her story. But he changed his and decided that he had been too hard on her.
她也没有改变她的说法 但是他改变了他的说法 认为是他对她一直太不 好了。
Maybe that groan had been a moan after all?
也许婚礼上她的呻吟真 的是一声呜咽?