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中级美国英语 Lesson 14: 现在完成式[二]

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现在我们来学习怎么用 wish, w-i-s-h, wish.这个字跟过去式从句一起用可以表 示无法实现的愿望. 比方在今天这一课的对话里珍妮表示希望到中国去,可惜 不能. 那句话英文是: I wish I could go to China.

下面我们来练习这些句子, 请你注意听男老师念普通否定句, 然后请你改用 wish 把珍妮无法实现的愿望说出来. 每作完一句就请你听正确答案.

M: I can't sing.

F: I wish I could sing.

M: I can't use chopsticks.

F: I wish I could use chopsticks.

M: I can't go to China.

F: I wish I could go to China.

M: I don't know Chinese.

F: I wish I knew Chinese.

M: I don't know Bob's parents.

F: I wish I knew Bob's parents.

M: I don't have money to go to China.

F: I wish I had money to go to China.

凡是句子的动词是 am, are 或是 is 的时候如果跟 wish 一起用, 那么就一律改 成 were. w-e-r-e, were. 下面就是一些例子, 还是请你跟刚才一样练习.

M: I am not rich.

F: I wish I were rich.

M: I am not tall.

F: I wish I were tall.

M: I am not strong.

F: I wish I were strong.

M: She is not a professor.

F: She wishes she were a professor.

M: She is not at home.

F: She wishes she were at home.


现在我们来作听力测验. 首先还是请你听一段文章,内容是说大学秋季班结束 了, 学生已经开始过寒假, 有的学生回家了, 有的学生到纽约或是旧金山去玩 等等.


The students at the university have finished their final exams. The fall semester has ended and the students have begun their semester break. They have three weeks to relax before the spring semester begins.

The first weekend the weather has been good. It has been warm and it hasn't rained. Most students have left the university for a vacation. Some have gone to famous places like New York or San Francisco to see the sights. Others have gone to the beaches in California and Florida.

Many students' home are not near the university. They have taken this chance to visit their families at home. Jenny has invited a friend to come to her home to meet her family.

She has also spent some time with her old friends from high school.

等一会儿我会请英文老师把整段文章再念一遍. 现在请你注意听今天要测验 的三个问题.


M: How long is the break between the semesters?


M: What have students done during the semester break?


M: How did Jenny spend her vacation?


The students at the university have finished their final exams. The full semester has ended and the students have begun their semester break. They have three weeks to relax before the spring semester begins.

The first weekend the weather has been good. It has been warm and it hasn't rained. Most students have left the university for a vacation. Some have gone to famous places like New York or San Francisco to see the sights. Others have gone to the beaches in California and Florida.

Many students' home are not near the university. They have taken this chance to visit their families at home. Jenny has invited a friend to come to her home to meet her family.

She has also spent some time with her old friends from high school.

好, 现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 回答之后请你跟正确答案比较一下 看答对了没有. 现在开始.


M: How long is the break between the semesters?

F: It is three weeks.


M: What have students done during the semester break?

F: Some of them have gone home. Some of them have gone to famous places to see the sights, Some of them have gone to the beaches.


M: How did Jenny spend her vacation?

F: She has invited a friend to her home. She has seen her parents and visited old friends.




