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中级美国英语 Lesson 17: 直接宾语和间接宾语

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在下面一组练习里, 我们来比较 somewhere 跟 anywhere 的用法. 首先由老 师提出一个陈述句, 接着老师提出问句,请你根据陈述句来决定用somewhere 或是 anywhere 回答问题. 每回答一句就请你听正确答案.

M: Peter lost his hat in New York.

M: Where did he leave it?

F: He left it somewhere.

M: Where did he find it?

F: He didn't find it anywhere.

下面老师又提出一个陈述句. 请你还是跟刚才一样练习.

M: Peter went travelling, but Mary stayed home.

M: Where did Peter go?

F: He went somewhere.

M: Where did Mary go?

F: She didn't go anywhere.

六.ANYWHERE 短语用在肯定句

刚才我们学习的 any, anybody, anything, 跟 anywhere 都出现在否定句里, 但 是这些字也可以用在肯定句里:

下面英文老师用慢速度念几个例子, 内容都是说到纽约, 比方纽约地铁很方 便, 你可以坐地铁到任何地方; 纽约的摩天大楼比美国任何地方都多, 纽约饭 店和铺子很多, 要买什么, 要吃什么应有尽有等等. 每个句子老师念两遍,请你 听一遍, 跟着重复一遍.

M: Anybody can take the subway in New York.

F: Anybody can take the subway in New York.

M: The subway is very convenient. You can go anywhere on it.

F: The subway is very convenient. You can go anywhere on it.

M: Anybody can visit the skyscrapers in New York.

F: Anybody can visit the skyscrapers in New York.

M: There are more skyscrapers in New York than anywhere in the United States.

F: There are more skyscrapers in New York than anywhere in the United States.

M: There are a lot of restaurants in New York. You can eat anything.

F: There are a lot of restaurants in New York. You can eat anything.

M: There are a lot of stores in New York. You can buy anything.

F : There are a lot of stores in New York. You can buy anything.


今天我们要听的文章是介绍纽约,谈到纽约是美国的商业和文化中心, 纽约除 了有闻名世界的帝国大厦, 联合国, 自由女神像,大都会博物馆以外,还有吸引 了成千上万观众的戏剧中心 "百老汇" 跟孩子们最喜欢的布朗克思动物园.

现在请你注意听, 等一会儿我们要根据这段文章问你几个问题.

To many people, New York is the United States. It is the commercial and cultural center of the country. A lot of people have seen pictures of its skyscrapers. There are more skyscrapers in New York than anywhere in the United States. The Empire State Building is well-known throughout the world.

The city's theatre district, Broadway, is very famous as well. Thousands of people go there to see the shows. There are different plays and musicals. One can always find something interesting to see.

Every summer, high school students all over the United States tour New York. They can take the bus or subway to visit famous sites such as the Unite Nations, the Statue of Liberty, the Metropolitan Museum and the Bronx Zoo. The bus and subway are very convenient. One can go almost anywhere on them.

刚才那段文章你都听懂了吗? 要是没有全懂不要紧, 等一会儿还有机会听. 现 在我请英文老师先把今天测验的三个问题念一遍给你听.


M: How important is New York to the United States?


M: Are there a lot of skyscrapers in New York?


M: What are some of the famous sites in New York?


To many people, New York is the United States. It is the commercial and cultural center of the country. A lot of people have seen pictures of its skyscrapers. There are more skyscrapers in New York than anywhere in the United States. The Empire State Building is well-known throughout the world.

The city's theatre district, Broadway, is very famous as well. Thousands of people go there to see the shows. There are different plays and musicals. One can always find something interesting to see.

Every summer, high school students all over the United States tour New York. They can take the bus or subway to visit famous sites such as the Unite Nations, the Statue of Liberty, the Metropolitan Museum and the Bronx Zoo. The bus and subway are very convenient. One can go almost anywhere on them.

现在请你回答下面三个问题. 回答之后请你听老师念正确答案.


M: How important is New York to the United States?

F: New York is the commercial and cultural center of the United States.


M: Are there a lot of skyscrapers in New York?

F: Yes, there are more skyscrapers in New York than anywhere in the United States.


M: What are some of the famous sites in New York?

F: The Empire State Building, Broadway, the United Nations, the Metropolitan Museum and the Bronx Zoo are some of the famous sites in New York.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
metropolitan [.metrə'pɔlitən]


n. 大都市的居民,大主教
adj. 大都市的

district ['distrikt]


n. 区,地区,行政区
vt. 把 ... 划

commercial [kə'mə:ʃəl]


adj. 商业的
n. 商业广告

statue ['stætju:]


n. 塑像,雕像

convenient [kən'vi:njənt]


adj. 方便的,便利的





