Shirley: Be quick. Put our bags in the deposit box.
Benjamin: We got a problem. The deposit boxes are all full. We should have come earlier.
Shirley: I told you to hurry up a thousand times. You just put a deaf ear to it.
Benjamin: Did you ? I didn't hear you. It was too noisy.
Shirley: I surely did! Ask the customer service counter if we can deposit our stuff there.
(Benjamin goes and returns)
Benjamin: They say we can't. They don't look after customers' stuff.
Shirley: It's all your fault! Now we can't get in shopping.
Benjamin: OK, it's my fault. I'll stay here and look after our stuff. You can get in, shopping with Daniel and May.
Shirley: That sounds like a good idea!
Benjamin: Hey, don't forget to buy a suit for me.
Shirley: What color do you want?
Benjamin: Black, of course.