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跟可可走遍美国:Quality Time黄金时光ACTII

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Quality Time黄金时光ACTII教师讲解版视频

Later that night. Robbie is waiting for his mother to return from her late-night committee meeting. He takes a book and tries to read.

Ellen:Hello there, Robbie. What are you doing up this late?


Ellen:Reading? At this hour? Ah, come on,

Robbie. What are you doing up this late?

Robbie:Things on my mind.

Ellen:Do you care to talk about them?

Robbie:Sure, if you don't mind listening.

Ellen:Robbie, Robbie, remember me? I'm your mother. If you have something you want to talk about, I'm always prepared to listen.

Robbie:You haven't been around much lately.

Ellen:So that's it. OK, let's talk.

Robbie:You and Dad are like ships that pass in the night. Dad works hard, and he works late.You work hard on all your committees, and you work late.

Ellen:I thought you were proud of the work I do.

Robbie:I am, Mom Real proud. You are one fantastic mom, but…but I've been noticing how little quality time you spend with Dad and Me …and the family.

Ellen:It's a real problem, Robbie.I know it.

Robbie:I'm concerned. There must be a way that Dad and you can spend more time together.

Ellen:Well, we always talk about taking a vacation together----with the family.

Robbie:I think you ought to take a vacation away from the family----alone. Kind of a second honeymoon.

Ellen:It would be wonderful, but our schedules won't allow it.

Robbie:I think I have an idea.

Ellen:You do?

Robbie:Yup.I think I have an idea that will bring Dad and you together in a more scheduled way.

Ellen:What is it?

Robbie:Well, you know how Dad is always talking about the kids in the ward and how important it is for them to be paid attention to?


Robbie:Well…and how hard it is because the doctors and nurses are so busy?


Robbie:Well, how would it be if you took some time to work with Dad towards solving
that problem?

Ellen:I don't get it.

Robbie:Like setting up a regular weekly reading program.You and Dad. You and Dr. Philip Stewart----going to the children's ward once or twice a week and reading to them.

Ellen:Not bad. Not a bad idea, Robbie. As a matter of fact, it fits right in with something I'm working on right now with the school-board committee.

Robbie:What's that?

Ellen:I've been trying to work out a program in the public school that will bring parents and teachers together once a week to read to the students-their own children, really. By doing that, it will encourage reading.

Robbie:So it might fit in with a program for reading to the kids in the hospital.

Ellen:You're right. We'll do it! I'm going to talk to Daddy about it right now.

Robbie:But Dad was so exhausted when he came home from work. Why don't you talk to him about it tomorrow?

Ellen:You are a very smart young man, Robbie. I think I'll wait unit tomorrow.

Robbie:You won't forget, will you?

Ellen:Believe me, I won't. It is a great idea, and I promise you I won't forget.

Robbie:Thanks, Mom.

Ellen:Thank you, Robbie. [She hugs him.]

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hull [hʌl]


n. (水果、种子等的)壳,船身,船体,[植]花萼 v.

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

compliment ['kɔmplimənt]


n. 称赞,恭维,(复数)致意
vt. 称赞,

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

encourage [in'kʌridʒ]


vt. 鼓励,促进,支持

setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

ward [wɔ:d]


n. 守卫,监护,受监护人,病房,行政区





