面对同事一个个升职加薪,唯独自己却原地不动,Tom感到很不舒服。他来找到Catherine聊天时谈到这个问题,Tom抱怨说:That tears it! The boss doesn't give me a raise! Catherine听到Tom提到tear一词,连忙问:你把什么撕了?这一下子把Tom问了个愣。
Tom: Tear what? I didn't say I tore anything.
Catherine: I know it's me. But you've got to explain your words to me before you lose your temper.
Tom: Well, "that tears it" means to ruin all hope, spoil everything, you say it when you think you can't bear anything.
汤姆:好吧,that tears it这句话意思是“毁掉希望,毁掉一切”。当你觉得你无法忍受某事时,你就可以说这句话。
That tears it! The boss doesn't give me a raise!我真是受够了!老板不给我加薪!
大家都知道,tear这个词作名词时是“眼泪”之意,作动词时指的是“撕坏,撕破”,这里tear it的表面意思是“撕破它”,其实暗含“打破计划,使希望破灭”之意,可翻译为“我再也受不了了”,即I can't bear it any more,这两种表达都是我们日常生活中经常用到的。

Carl:Overtime! Overtime! That tears it! The boss doesn't give me a raise!
Amanda:Take it easy. Everything will be OK.