漫画及对白Rory:You may be interested to know, Lucinada, that I'm joining the air force!Lucinada:Why?Are they running low on chamois?Rory:I'm sure this would hurt even more if I knew what a cha...
漫画及对白Rory:Happy Valentine's Day,LucindaLucinda:Roses?!!Rory:Where on earth did you find roses in the middle of February?!!Girl:Honest!!Did get you flowers!词汇注释Valentine's Day 情人节on eart
漫画及对白Rory:OK,rabbit! I want my clover back!!Don't make me use this pointed stick!!Rabbit:Oh, my goodness!Is this your clover? I had no idea! Please take it and accept my most sincere apologies!
漫画及对白Lucinda:Why,Rory! I had no idea that under all that curly wool...Lucinda:You had such a scrawny little body!!!Rory:Bwa=a=a=a=a=a!!!Stan:Man,I hate shearing day!词汇注释和参考译文I had no i