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“很喜歡Lily教小段落的英文+分享過去的故事經歷~ 全程正能量、很適合聽完之後重整自己的內心和生活^ _ ^”
I love cinnamon via Apple Podcasts · Taiwan · 05/24/21
I urge you; go find buildings and mountains and oceans to swallow your whole. They will save you, in a way nothing else can.
他們會回答這個問題:Tell me why I would enjoy visiting Kaohsiung. 告訴我為何我會喜歡在高雄觀光。
I think that if you don't have a plan, it's really easy to just stay and see what happens and meet people and get invited to events and take a walk, see the scenery just hang out at the beach, go to the pier, all these it's just really easy to just stay.
Well, if you have never experienced a big East Asian city with traditional Taiwanese stroke, Chinese culture, then I think it's an interesting place because it's very real, very Taiwanese. Um, so if you want to really see the real Taiwan and how it operates on a large scale, then I think that this is a good city to visit.
明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:Is Kaohsiung growing? Is this a good or a bad thing? 高雄在成長嗎?是好事還是壞事呢?