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Chapter 6 A Good Night's Work第6章 成功的夜袭
ABOUT four hours later Tirian flung himself into one of the bunks to snatch a little sleep. The two children were already snoring: he had made them go to bed before he did because they would have to be up most of the night and he knew that at their age they couldn't do without sleep. Also, he had tired them out. First he had given Jill some practice in archery and found that, though not up to Narnian standards, she was really not too bad. Indeed she had succeeded in shooting a rabbit (not a Talking rabbit, of course: there are lots of the ordinary kind about in Western Narnia) and it was already skinned, cleaned, and hanging up. He had found that both the children knew all about this chilly and smelly job; they had learned that kind of thing on their great journey through Giant-Land in the days of Prince Rilian. Then he had tried to teach Eustace how to use his sword and shield. Eustace had learned quite a lot about sword fighting on his earlier adventures but that had been all with a straight Narnian sword. He had never handled a curved Calormene scimitar and that made it hard, for many of the strokes are quite different and some of the habits he had learned with the long sword had now to be unlearned again. But Tirian found that he had a good eye and was very quick on his feet. He was surprised at the strength of both children: in fact they both seemed to be already much stronger and bigger and more grown-up than they had been when he first met them a few hours ago. It is one of the effects which Narnian air often has on visitors from our world.四个钟头以后,蒂莲倒在一张床铺上,抓紧时间稍稍睡上一觉。两个孩子已经在打呼噜。他自己睡觉之前,已经叫孩子们上床了,因为夜间大部分时间他们都将没有工夫睡觉,他知道这种年龄的孩子不睡一会儿是不行的。而且,他也弄得他们极为疲倦。他首先让吉尔练练拉弓射箭,发觉她虽然没有达到纳尼亚标准,技术倒确实不算太坏。事实上,她成功地射中了一只野兔(当然不是会说人话的兔子,在纳尼亚王国的西部,有许许多多普通寻常的兔子),这野兔已经剥了皮,洗得干干净净,挂起来晾着了。他发觉这两个孩子熟悉这种冷冰冰的气味难闻的活儿的一切窍门;他们在瑞廉王子的时代,在巨人之乡作那了不得的旅行时已经学会干这种事了。接着他又教尤斯塔斯如何使用他的刀剑和盾牌。尤斯塔斯在他早期的冒险中曾学习过不少斗剑的本领,但那时使用的全是笔直的纳尼亚剑。他从来没使用过一把卡乐门弯刀,这就难了,因为弯刀的许多砍法跟他所学习的使用长剑的习惯是截然不同的,他现在得重新摆脱这种习惯。但蒂莲发觉他眼睛锐利、脚步敏捷。他对两个孩子的体力也感到惊讶:事实上,他们较之几个钟头前和他初次见面时已经长得更壮、更大、更加成熟了。从我们这个世界到纳尼亚去做客的人,纳尼亚的空气时常对他们产生这种效果。
All three of them agreed that the very first thing they must do was to go back to Stable Hill and try to rescue Jewel the Unicorn. After that, if they succeeded, they would try to get away Eastward and meet the little army which Roonwit the Centaur would be bringing from Cair Paravel.三个人一致同意他们必须干的第一桩事情就是回到马厩所在的山上,把独角兽珍宝救出来。如果此举成功,他们就要设法向东突出去,同人头马龙威特从凯尔帕拉维尔带来的一支小部队会师。
An experienced warrior and huntsman like Tirian can always wake up at the time he wants. So he gave himself till nine o'clock that night and then put all worries out of his head and fell asleep at once. It seemed only a moment later when he woke but he knew by the light and the very feel of things that he had timed his sleep exactly. He got up, put on his helmet-and-turban (he had slept in his mail shirt), and then shook the other two till they woke up. They looked, to tell the truth, very grey and dismal as they climbed out of their bunks and there was a good deal of yawning.像蒂莲这样的有经验的战士和猎人,始终能在他要想醒的时间醒来。所以那天夜里他先规定自己睡到九点钟醒来,然后排除头脑里一切烦恼,立刻便睡熟了。仿佛不过是一会儿以后他就醒了,但是他凭着外界的光线以及对事物的感觉,知道自己把睡眠的时间掌握得十分确切。他起了床,戴上头盔和缠头巾(他穿着锁子甲睡觉的),然后摇得那两个孩子醒来。说实在的,孩子们从床上爬起来时,脸色十分苍白,神情忧郁,哈欠连连。
"Now," said Tirian, "we go due North from here - by good fortune 'tis a starry night - and it will be much shorter than our journey this morning, for then we went round-about but now we shall go straight. If we are challenged, then do you two hold your peace and I will do my best to talk like a curst, cruel, proud lord of Calormen. If I draw my sword then thou, Eustace, must do likewise and let Jill leap behind us and stand with an arrow on the string. But if I cry `Home', then fly for the Tower both of you. And let none try to fight on - not even one stroke after I have given the retreat: such false valour has spoiled many notable plans in the wars. And now, friends, in the name of Aslan let us go forward.""听着,"蒂莲说,"现在我们从这儿朝正北方向走去——我们运气好,今夜繁星满天——这条路线要比我们今天早晨走的路短得多,因为那时我们绕来绕去,现在我们笔直走去。如果我们受到挑战,你们俩要沉住气,别吭声,我会尽我最大的力量谈判的,变得就像一个残酷骄傲、爱吵架的卡乐门王爷一样。如果我拔出剑来,尤斯塔斯,你必须也拔出刀来,还要让吉尔跳到我们的背后,站着张起弓来,箭按在弦上。但,如果我叫道,'回家',你们俩就要向堡垒飞奔而回。我发出退却命令后,谁也别试图打下去——哪怕是打一下也别打——在战争中,这种虚假的勇敢破坏了许多宏大的作战计划。朋友们,以阿斯兰的名义,现在让我们前进吧。"
Out they went into the cold night. All the great Northern stars were burning above the tree-tops. The North-Star of that world is called the Spear-Head: it is brighter than our Pole Star.他们走进了寒冷的黑夜。北方所有的壮丽星星都在树顶上空燃烧着。那个世界的北辰星,叫做矛尖,比我们的北极星还要明亮。

Chapter 6 A Good Night's Work
ABOUT four hours later Tirian flung himself into one of the bunks to snatch a little sleep. The two children were already snoring: he had made them go to bed before he did because they would have to be up most of the night and he knew that at their age they couldn't do without sleep. Also, he had tired them out. First he had given Jill some practice in archery and found that, though not up to Narnian standards, she was really not too bad. Indeed she had succeeded in shooting a rabbit (not a Talking rabbit, of course: there are lots of the ordinary kind about in Western Narnia) and it was already skinned, cleaned, and hanging up. He had found that both the children knew all about this chilly and smelly job; they had learned that kind of thing on their great journey through Giant-Land in the days of Prince Rilian. Then he had tried to teach Eustace how to use his sword and shield. Eustace had learned quite a lot about sword fighting on his earlier adventures but that had been all with a straight Narnian sword. He had never handled a curved Calormene scimitar and that made it hard, for many of the strokes are quite different and some of the habits he had learned with the long sword had now to be unlearned again. But Tirian found that he had a good eye and was very quick on his feet. He was surprised at the strength of both children: in fact they both seemed to be already much stronger and bigger and more grown-up than they had been when he first met them a few hours ago. It is one of the effects which Narnian air often has on visitors from our world.
All three of them agreed that the very first thing they must do was to go back to Stable Hill and try to rescue Jewel the Unicorn. After that, if they succeeded, they would try to get away Eastward and meet the little army which Roonwit the Centaur would be bringing from Cair Paravel.
An experienced warrior and huntsman like Tirian can always wake up at the time he wants. So he gave himself till nine o'clock that night and then put all worries out of his head and fell asleep at once. It seemed only a moment later when he woke but he knew by the light and the very feel of things that he had timed his sleep exactly. He got up, put on his helmet-and-turban (he had slept in his mail shirt), and then shook the other two till they woke up. They looked, to tell the truth, very grey and dismal as they climbed out of their bunks and there was a good deal of yawning.
"Now," said Tirian, "we go due North from here - by good fortune 'tis a starry night - and it will be much shorter than our journey this morning, for then we went round-about but now we shall go straight. If we are challenged, then do you two hold your peace and I will do my best to talk like a curst, cruel, proud lord of Calormen. If I draw my sword then thou, Eustace, must do likewise and let Jill leap behind us and stand with an arrow on the string. But if I cry `Home', then fly for the Tower both of you. And let none try to fight on - not even one stroke after I have given the retreat: such false valour has spoiled many notable plans in the wars. And now, friends, in the name of Aslan let us go forward."
Out they went into the cold night. All the great Northern stars were burning above the tree-tops. The North-Star of that world is called the Spear-Head: it is brighter than our Pole Star.

第6章 成功的夜袭

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

retreat [ri'tri:t]


n. 休息寓所,撤退,隐居
v. 撤退,向后倾

snatch [snætʃ]


n. 抢夺,碎片,一阵,一瞬间,一点点

experienced [iks'piəriənst]


adj. 有经验的

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

stroke [strəuk]


n. 笔画,击打,一笔(画)连续的动作,中风,

pole [pəul]


n. 杆,柱,极点
v. (用杆)支撑

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

rescue ['reskju:]


vt. 营救,援救
n. 营救,救援

notable ['nəutəbl]


adj. 显著的,著名的
n. 名人





