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新标准小学英语第九册 18

来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


MODULE 8 School
Unit 1 They sit around tables.
1.Look,listen and learn.
15 Marling Street
London NW2
Dear Daming,Yesterday,I went to Sam and Amy's school.
I took my camera,so I could take photos.
Their school is a little bit different from our school in China.
In England,the children don't sit in lines,They sit in groups.
They sit around tables.They don't do morning exercises here.
But they do sing-songs together every morning.
In England,They don't start school at 8 o'clock,
they start school at 9 o'clock.
School is fun here,I like it.But I miss my Chinese school too.
Love from,Lingling
15 Marling Street
London NW2
Dear Daming,Yesterday,I went to Sam and Amy's school.
I took my camera,so I could take photos.
Their school is a little bit different from our school in China.
In England,the children don't sit in lines,They sit in groups.
They sit around tables.They don't do morning exercises here.
But they do sing-songs together every morning.
In England,They don't start school at 8 o'clock,
they start school at 9 o'clock.
School is fun here,I like it.But I miss my Chinese school too.
Love from,Lingling
15 Marling Street
London NW2
Dear Daming,Yesterday,I went to Sam and Amy's school.
I took my camera,so I could take photos.
Their school is a little bit different from our school in China.
In England,the children don't sit in lines,They sit in groups.
They sit around tables.They don't do morning exercises here.
But they do sing-songs together every morning.
In England,They don't start school at 8 o'clock,
they start school at 9 o'clock.
School is fun here,I like it.But I miss my Chinese school too.
Love from,Lingling
Unit 2 I get ready for school
1.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the stresses.
Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy's school.
I took my camera,so I could take photos.
They don't do morning exercises here.
But they do sing-songs together every morning.
2.Listen and sing.
I get up in the morning.I get ready for school.I love morning exercises.
They are cool,cool,cool.I learn,I talk,I play.I love going to school.
I always enjoy my day.Because it's cool,cool, cool!
Word list
around cool group miss
围绕 酷的 组,团 想念




