"Ladies and gentlemen, "he began, "when very poor and desperate for work, I came to Canterbury as assistant to this evil man Heep. I am sorry to say I was soon involved in all his wicked plans. I may be poor, but I can't accept his lies, his cheating, his bribes and all the rest of it. And so I've brought you here today, ladies and gentlemen, to hear me accuse Heep publicly! One, he has confused and lied to his partner so often that poor Mr Wickfield now thinks he has himself been dishonest. Two, he has sometimes copied Mr Wickfield's signature on to false documents and cheques. Three, for years he has been stealing large amounts of money from Mr Wickfield and the firm!"
"You can never prove it!" cried Uriah wildly.
"I have taken copies of all the necessary documents, "said Mr Micawber confidently, "while working as your clerk. And just to make sure, I've given them to Mr Traddles to keep safely. "
"Uriah, my dear boy, "cried his mother, sobbing bitterly, "tell them how humble you are!Say you didn't mean to hurt anyone! Say you're sorry, and arrange matters with these gentlemen!Do, dear boy!"
"Mother, be quiet!"he whispered angrily. "Don't help my enemies!Copperfield here would have given you a hundred pounds to say what you've just said!"