More oral practice
Tallking about fire-safety
There was a fire in Red Star School yesterday.
Did you know?
Yes.Our teacher,Miss Li,has told us about it.
How did the fire start?
A boy was playing with matches in school.
It was very dry yesterday.The fire danger was high.
Did anybody get hurt in the fire?
No.We fought the fire for two hours.
Nobody got hurt in the fire.
I'm going to talk about fire-safety to the students there tomorrow.
What are you going to say?
We must be careful.We must not start fires.
Also,we must not play with matches.
We must put out the fire after a barbecue.
Good,you know a lot about fire-safety.
Do you remember anything else we must and must not do?
Mm..,at home we must not....
In the Space Museum
Look at these photographs.What are they?
They are the Sun,the Earth,the Moon and some other stars.
Look,the Moon is bigger than the stars.
No,the Moon is much smaller than the stars.
It looks bigger because it's closer to the Earth.
Does anybody live on the Moon?
No people,animals or plants are able to live there because there isn't any air.
There is no water on the Moon,either.
Look at the photograph of the Earth.
There are a few colours on it.
What are the green parts?
They are land.We live on land.
Oh,I see.What are the blue parts,then?
The blue parts are the oceans.
We get water from oceans,rivers and lakes.
We use water to wash our clothes.
We also use water to cook food and make drinks.
We can't live without water.
Look at the white parts.What are they?Do you know?
Are they clouds?
Yes,water makes clouds and clouds bring us rain.
Really?So rain comes from clouds!
The Space Museum is a very interesting place.
Yes,we've learned a lot about space.
I hope we will visit here again soon.
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