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点此下载: 北京市初一年级第一学期英语期中考试题7

一、 从A、B、C、D中选出能完成下列单词的正确选项。(5分)
( ) 1. in____ A. teresting B. tresting C. tersting D .treasting
( ) 2. d______ A. icionary B .ictionary C. ictionery D. ictenory
( ) 3. v______ A .idoe B. ideo C. edio D. iedo
( ) 4. b______ A. reakfast B. raekfast C .rekfast D. rakfast
( ) 5. t_______ A. omato B. atato C. omateo D. emato
二、 根据要求写单词。 (10分)
1.. they(宾格) ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_______ 2. let us(缩略形式) _________
3.have(单三形式) ________  4.does not(缩略形式)_________
5.these(单数)_______ (复数)___________单三形式) _______ 8. tomato (复数)___________
9.know(同音词)_______ 10. daughter(对应词)__________
( ) 1. ---- Is this your pencil? ---- _________.
A. Yes, I am. B. No, it is. C. Yes, they are. D. Yes, it is.
( ) 2. ---- What are those? ----- _______ beds.
A. these are B. That’s C. They’re D. It is
( ) 3. ---- ____ are your books? ----- They’re on the desk.
A. What B. How C. Do D. Where
( ) 4. Tom ______ TV every day.
A. watches B. watch C.looks at D. looks
( ) 5. ----- Do you have a volleyball? ----- ________.
A. Yes, I am. B. No, I’m not C. Yes, I have D. Yes, I do
( ) 6. ---- Does Mary have a baseball?
A. Yes, she do B. No, Mary doesn’t C.Yes, I have. D. Yes, I do.
( ) 7. The books ______ in the backpack.
A. is B. are C. does D. do
( ) 8. ----- Let’s play ping-pong. ------- ________.
A.I don’t have a soccer ball. B. That sounds good..
C.OK, that sounds good. D. Sorry, I don’t know.
( ) 9.A runner will eat lots of ______ food. B. healths C. healthy D. healthily
( ) 10. Beth _______ apples.
A. doesn’t like B. don’t like C. doesn’t likes
( ) 11. He likes ____ and ____ very much.
A. vegetable;fruits B. vegetables;fruits
C. vegetable;fruit D. vegetables; fruit
.( ) 12.Is this your _____?
A. pencil B. a pencil C. pencils D. a pencils
( ) 13. ----- Are these your CDs? ----- _________.
A. Yes, there are. B. Yes, they’re. C. They’re new. D. No, they aren’t.
( ) 14. ----- ______ is your ruler? ---- Red.
A. What B. Which C. What color D. How
( ) 15. He likes meat _______ dinner.
A. at B. on C. for D. in
( ) 1.Good morning, Tom . A. It’s under the bed .
( ) 2.Hi, I’m Anna, what’s your name? B. Yes, I do .
( ) 3.Where is the basketball? C. Computer
( ) 4.How do you spell it? D. Good morning, Jane.
( ) 5.Let’s play volleyball. E. Yes, she does.
( ) 6.Do you like your class? F. My name is Gina .
( ) 7.What’s that in English? G.G-A-M-E, game.
( ) 8.Does his sister have a basketball? H.That sounds good.
( ) 9.What color is his coat? I. They are books.
( ) 10.What are these? J. It’s black,.
点此下载: 北京市初一年级第一学期英语期中考试题7

重点单词   查看全部解释    
runner ['rʌnə]


n. 赛跑的人,跑步者

baseball ['beis.bɔ:l]


n. 棒球

ruler ['ru:lə]


n. 尺子,划线板
n. 统治者,支配者


关键字: 英语 试题 初一 期中




