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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


( ) 6. What’s interesting about ants?
A. They can carry a lot of food. B. They can smell as well as dogs can.
C. They can walk a long way every day.

( ) 7. Where is Amy going this Saturday at last?
A. Sunnyside Garden. B. Sunshine Secondary School.
C. The Lake Park.
( ) 8. How does Kitty usually go to school?
A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike.
( ) 9. What may the pet be?
A. A tortoise. B. A goldfish. C. A rabbit.
( ) 10. What is the man doing?
A. He is asking the way t o the zoo. B. He is talking about the zoo.
C. He is playing in the zoo .
( )11. Where did the speaker learn the story of Wang Ling?
A. On TV. B. In the newspaper. C. Over the radio.
( )12. When d id the accident happen?
A. On 2nd October. B. On 2nd September. C. On 2nd November.
( )13. What was wrong with the old man?
A. He hurt his feet. B. He hurt his hands. C. He broke his leg.
( )14. What did the old man recommended Wang Ling for?
A. A study award. B. A youth award. C. A help medal.
( )15. What kind of person is Wang Ling?
A. Smart and hard-working. B. Honest and shy. C. Brave and helpful.
( )1、Sam doesn’t like playing ______piano。
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( )2. I can’t understand the story correctly _________ the new words in it.
A. because B. because of C. but D. so
( )3. He hopes his son _________ a doctor in the future.
A. to be B. be C. will be D. to become
( )4. Can you help me ________ my English?
A. learning B. with C. to D. in
( )5. I’ll vote ________ Mary because she always helps people _______ need.
A. to, in B. for, in C. to, for D. for, for
( )6. ——Shall we go to the Great Wall tomorrow ?—— ________
A. You are welcome. B. Good idea. C. Yes, we shall. D. That’s all right.
( )7. She likes to sleep with the windows _________.
A. opened B. opening C. open D. opens
( )8. There ____a lot of traffic in the street. We will give ______ to the government(政府)., some advice B. are, some advices C. were, an advice D. is, a advice
( )9. Students always have a good time________each other.
A. talk with B. talking C. to talk D. talking to
( )10. The piece of music sounds __________.
A. well B. heavily C. good D. wonderfully
( )11. There is going to _______ a basketball match in the playground this afternoon.
A. have B. has C. is D. be
( )12. They call elevator in British English.
A.left B.lift C.hall D.fall
( )13.The old man always thick glasses and works very hard.
A. puts on B. takes off C. dresses D. wears
( )14. Tokyo is larger than ____________ in Japan.
A. any other city B. any city C. another city D. other cit ies
( )15. I think swimming is as ___________ hiking.
A. interesting than B. more interesting as C. interesting as D. much interesting as
( )16. Jim is a(an) _______ boy. You can always believe what he says.
A. cheerful B. helpful C. generous D. honest
( )17. —_______ do you go to the Reading Club? —Twice a week.
A. How long B. How many C. How often D. When
( )18.—Will you have a class trip next Friday?
—Yes. I can’t wait. It’s more exciting than __________ lessons.
A. have B. has C. will have D. having
( )19.She ran out of the classroom without _________ goodbye to me.
A. speaking B. telling C. talking D. saying
( )20.—______ I finish my homework now?— No, you __________.
A. Can, can’t B. Must, mustn’t C. Must, needn’t D. Need, should

重点单词   查看全部解释    
elevator ['eliveitə]


n. 电梯,飞机升降舵,斗式皮带输送机

medal ['medl]


n. 奖章,勋章,纪念章
vi. 获得奖章

generous ['dʒenərəs]


adj. 慷慨的,宽宏大量的,丰盛的,味浓的

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

cheerful ['tʃiəfəl]


adj. 高兴的,快乐的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<


关键字: 初二 期中 英语 试题




