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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


( )⒈ A. active B. milk C. lifestyle D. habit
( )⒉ A. matter B. back C. hand D. take
( )⒊ A. north B. more C. actor D. for
( )⒋ A. looked B. hoped C. washed D. studied
( )⒌ A. who B. what C. which D. when
A. 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。(5分)
⒈ two(序数词)______________ ⒉ different(名词)______________
⒊ little(比较级)_____________ ⒋ try(单数第三人称形式)_______________
⒌ our(主格)______________ ⒍ are(过去式)_________________
⒎ begin(现在分词)_____________ ⒏ friend(形容词)_______________
⒐ here(反意词)______________ ⒑ quick(副词)________________
⒈当然______________________ ⒉此刻、现在__________________
⒊去度假_____________________ ⒋游泳__________________
⒌三百六十五天_________________ ⒍ begin with_________________
⒎ the day after tomorrow ______________ ⒏ be stressed out _________________
⒐ ride a bicycle __________________ ⒑ from Monday to Sunday ______________
⒈ —Are you good at m____________. —Yes, I can sing songs very well.
⒉ Here are p_________ of my tw in sister Liu Mei and me.
⒊ —Would you l____________ to go to the party with me? —Sorry, I can’t
⒋ I went to Shanghai w______________ my parents last summer.
⒌ Sam has s___________ hair.


( )⒈ Thanks a lot ____________ helping me _________ my English.
A. to, in B. to, with C. for, in D. for, with
( )⒉ This picture is _________ beautiful than that one.
A. much B. more much C. much more D. very
( )⒊ Let’s go to the teacher for___________.
A. a advice B. an advice C. some advices D. some advice
( )⒋ Are there apples __________ the __________?
A. on, apple trees B. in, apple trees C. on, apples tree D. in, apples trees
( )⒌ —__________ is he staying? —For a month.
A. How about B. How C. When D. How long
( )⒍ —What shall we do this Sunday? —Why __________ to the Science Museum?
A. not to go B. not go C. don’t go D. not you go
( )⒎ It takes ___________ half an boar __________ on foot.
A. my, to get to school B. me, to get to school
C. my, going to school D. me, going to school
( )⒏ Exercise can keep you ____________.
A. heath B. healthy C. be healthy D. to be healthy
( )⒐ —____________ day it is! —Let’s go out and have a picnic!
A. How old B. How nice C. What a cloudy D. What a lovely
( )⒑ Do you go to school ____________ bike or __________ foot?
A. by, by B. on, on C. by, on D. on, by
( )⒒ —What’s wrong with you? —___________.
A. I’m going to the hospital B. I have a bad stomache.
C. I’m visiting my grandparents D. I want to go fishing
( )⒓ Is your bike broken? Let ___________ you.
A. me to help B. I help C. me help D. I to help
( )⒔ His mother wants him __________ at home today.
A. stays B. stayed C. staying D. to stay
( )⒕ We played ___________ in the zoo last weekend.
A. happy B. happily C. happiness D. hap pied
( )⒖ —Must I clean my room mom. —No, you ___________.
A. don’t B. needn’t C. aren’t D. won’t

关键字: 初二 期中 英语 试题




