Shanghai, the financial center of China, sure has raised some money-savvy children.
Ninety-two percent of Shanghai primary school students who took a recent test of their money smarts showed an understanding of financial management, and some even knew a thing or two about stocks and debts.
money-savvy是理财头脑;financial management是理财。
这项财商(Financial Quotient)测试于周三在上海三所小学(primary schools)进行。测试目的是衡量学生在理财(handle money)、对消费和储蓄(spending and saving)的理解、家庭财务认知(knowledge of family finances)以及投资(investment)理财意识等方面的能力。
一名8岁小朋友小朋友知道六种赚钱方式,包括投资股票和不动产(invest in the stock and real estate markets)、卖掉旧玩具以及考得好(get good grades)有奖励。
测试结果显示,小学生财商平均分为73分。得到80分(score over 80 points)以上的学生占26%,低于60分(notch under 60)学生占8%。在回答“你准备如何使用过年领的压岁钱(a New Year's money gift)?”一题时,31%的小学生选择将压岁钱交给父母替自己投资(give it to their parents for investment),61%选择存银行(deposit the money in the bank)以后有需要再取出来用,很少有小学生选择买一台最新的手机或者买一台电子辞典。其中,有一名小朋友说,自己会把零花钱借给亲戚买房子(lend the money to relatives to buy property),收取一定利息(charge interest)。
目前多地已经将金融理财知识教育融入课堂,现在的父母(modern parents)理财(money management)意识也越来越强,而且希望孩子能更明智地支出和存钱(spend and save wisely)。