In London, King George III and his government believed rebellion had already started and had to be nipped in the bud.
In parliament, William Pitt made a last-ditch plea for sanity and reason.
Did their lordships not understand that in fighting the Americans, they were fighting their own ghosts, the ghosts of English liberty past?
What, though you march from town to town, and province to province, though you shall be able to enforce a temporary submission,
how shall you be able to secure the obedience of the country you leave behind, to grasp the dominion of 1,800 miles of continent, populous in numbers, possessing valour, liberty and resistance?
The spirit which resists your taxation is the same spirit which called all England on its legs and, by the Bill of Rights, vindicated the English constitution.
This glorious spirit animates three millions in America who prefer poverty with liberty to gilded chains and sordid affluence, and who will die in defence of their rights as free men.
George III's ministers were having none of it.

Parliament's authority as the supreme government of the empire was at stake, and, if necessary, it had to be backed up with bullets.
So, few were surprised when the first blood was shed at Lexington, outside Boston, on April 19, 1775.
Redcoats had been sent to seize militia arms. They arrived just before dawn.
Nobody knows who, but inevitably, someone fired. And, in response, the British shot their muskets straight into the ragtag group of militiamen gathered before them.
The Redcoats stormed nearby Concord, but were then forced back to Boston in bloody shock, peppered with fire all the way.
The dream of somehow remaining British and still being free had died along with the militiamen at Lexington and Concord.
Now there was a different dream, a dream of a new country. It was an American dream.