美国《外交政策》杂志网站8月7日发表了美国学者David Rothkopf的文章,题目是 The world's 10 most dangerous countries(全世界十大最危险国家和地区),他的观点在美国和西方很有代表性,值得中国读者参考研究。在这份名单中,美国是排在第一位最具危险性的国家,David Rothkopf的理由很简单:因为美国太强大了,翻一个错误就会影响整个世界,自然就是最危险的。而中国排在了第二,也是因为中国太强大了,但是中国自己却不承认,因而不承担相应责任造成了世界系统失衡的危险。
10. 委内瑞拉(Venezuela)
Ok, Chávez won't start any world wars. But think of his disruptive reach around the hemisphere, his support for the FARC, and his cultivation of ties to Russia, China and the Middle East and its clear this is the one guy who is most likely to disrupt lives in Latin America for the foreseeable future.