Step 6. Renew a friendship. “So Elijah went from there and found Elisha son of Shaphat” (I Kings 19:19). Depressed people need true friends. Don’t battle depression alone. Find a friend who will provide support and encouragement; someone who will help you see circumstances as they are, not as you perceive them. Eugene Kennedy said, “The main business of friendship is to sustain and make bearable each other’s burdens.” Christ can lift you out of depression. He can help you. He can heal you. You don’t have to stumble through life depressed!
第六,重新开始一段友谊。“于是,以利亚离开那里走了,遇见沙法的儿子”(列王记上19:19).抑郁的人需要真正的朋友。你无需独自对抗抑郁。找一个朋友,他会给与你支持和鼓励,他会帮助你看清事情的本来面目而非你所以为的样子。Eugene Kennedy 说:“友谊这事儿主要就是分担彼此的重担,给予你支持。”耶稣可以让抑郁烟消云散,他会帮助你,治愈你。你不必抑郁着走过跌撞的人生!
n. 剑,刀