It's not just weight gain that makes sitting down the latest health worry. Emerging research suggests something more sinister happens when we are inactive for too long at a time.
Studies on rats have shown that substances that are produced only when muscles are being used play a crucial role in metabolising fat and sugar.
These substances can be made just by standing up or moving around. When you sit down, an important part of your metabolism slows down.
'This can eventually lead to disorders like diabetes,' says Biddle. 'But the important thing to realise is that people who get up every half an hour or so are much less likely to have these effects.'
Regular movement is also important for preserving good posture. Sammy Margo, spokesperson for the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists, says that the human spine wasn't designed to spend long hours seated and that doing so can play havoc with posture, breathing and digestion.
经常运动对保持良好的体态也很重要。物理疗法特许协会的发言人萨米•马戈(Sammy Margo)说,人的脊椎不适合“久坐”,那样会严重破坏正常的体态,损害呼吸和消化功能。