A healthy human spine has a natural S-shape, but sitting pushes the lower lumbar curve into more of a C-shape so that the back and abdominal muscles designed to support the body are unused.
Over time, the postural muscles become so weak that they are unable to support the spine effectively and back pain inevitably ensues.
'With your knees at a 90-degree angle when you sit, your hamstring muscles and hip flexors are permanently shortened and your buttock muscles stretched,' says Margo.
'This leads to muscles and joints tightening so much that your body moves less freely and is more prone to pain and injury.'
Breathing is also hampered, Margo says, as the body struggles to fill the lungs with oxygen when crunched in a seated position. Sitting also crunches the abdominal contents and digestion is slowed down as a result.
'All of this means energy levels can flag through lack of oxygen and sluggish digestion,' says Margo. 'Because your abdominal muscles are not being engaged when you sit, you will also lose tone in that area.
'It's not good news and my advice is to stretch or go for a short walk as often as you can.'
“这不是好消息,我的建议是尽可能经常做一下伸展或一小段步行。 ”