Found in coral-rich seaweed reefs in the Pacific Ocean, clown triggerfish, such as this patterned juvenile in Indonesia's Tukangbesi Islands, are master predators. The fish blow streams of water at the sand to expose hiding prey, then use their powerful jaws and rows of sharp teeth to crush through hard-shelled reef creatures such as sea urchins, clams, snails, and crabs.
热带小丑鱼,一般可以在太平洋海域多珊瑚、多海藻的群礁地区发现,例如这一条就出现在印度尼西亚土康贝西群岛(Tukangbesi Islands)的海域。热带小丑鱼虽然身材不大,但却是精于捕猎的食肉鱼类,主要的捕猎目标包括:海胆、蛤蚌、海蜗牛、蟹等等,它会吹动水流冲走沙粒从而让猎物暴露,然后以它强力的嘴巴和尖利的牙齿捕猎食物。