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You Will Need原料2 tsp. cooking oil 两茶匙食用油½ cup frozen hash brown potatoes二分之一杯冷冻脆炸土豆饼2 large eggs 两个大鸡蛋2 tbsp. milk两茶匙牛奶salt, sprinkle少量盐pepper, sprinkle少量胡椒2010-12-22 编辑:beck 标签:
Animals get pretty tired too after a long day of doing.. well, whatever animals do. After a long day who wouldn’t want to pass out anywhere they can?折腾了一天后,动物们累坏了……爱干嘛干嘛吧。累了一2010-12-22 编辑:beck 标签:
Photo manipulations are fun to create and fun to look at. The illusion produced by a good photo manipulation can leave a lasting impression on it’s audience and be very persuasive. That’s why we of2010-12-24 编辑:beck 标签:
"Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell." — Joan Crawford爱是烈火。这熊熊烈火是会温暖你的心房还是引火烧身,结局难料。—Joan Crawford2010-12-29 编辑:beck 标签:
1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them.'抛开那些无关紧要的数字,包括年龄啦,体重啦,以及身高啦,让医生们2010-12-29 编辑:beck 标签: