9 Devilish Serpent
The serpent that convinced Eve to take the fruit from the tree of Knowledge and Evil is not referred to as Satan in Genesis. He is known only as the serpent who was “more subtle than any of the beasts of the earth”. Additionally, the term “Lucifer” used in reference to Satan comes from the Vulgate translation of Isaiah 14:12 - at no point in the Bible is Satan directly referred to by the name Lucifer. [Genesis 3]
在创世纪中,那条说服夏娃摘取智慧树果实的蛇并没有被提及指的是撒旦。对于这条蛇,我们所知的仅仅是“它是所有野兽中最狡猾的”。另外,关于“路西弗”一词被用来指撒旦是来源于以赛亚书14:12的拉丁文翻译版——在圣经中没有直接指出路西华弗的就是撒旦。[创世纪 3]