7 The Ten Commandments
Considering the importance of the ten commandments to so many people, you would think they would have a clear idea of how they are defined, but most people do not. The Bible does not list a consistent set of 10 commandments at all. In Exodus, the list includes 14 or 15 “statements”. Though the Bible does refer to a set of “10″ rules, it does not mention them in the same sections as the list commonly known as the ten commandments. Different Christian sects have divided the list of commandments up differently. The Catholic Church combines the first 3 statements in to one commandment, and the Protestants combine the final two in to one statement. You can see a complete list of the differences here. To add to the confusion, there is also another set of 10 commandments called the Ritual Decalogue which includes laws such as “Do not cook a kid in its mother’s milk”. [Exodus 20]
想到世界对如此之多的人的重要性,你也许会认为他们很清楚地知道十诫是如何被定义的,但事实上很多人并不知道。圣经中根本没有给出一致的十诫。在出埃及中,那份列表包括了14或15条“戒律”。虽然圣经确实提到过“10”条纪律,但它并没有在通常被认为是十诫的那部分中再次提到这些。不同的基督宗教派别有各自不同的十诫。天主教把前三条纪律归并成一诫,而新教则将后两条纪律合并成一诫。从 这里你可以看出区别所在。更让人困惑的是,还有另外一系列十诫称作摩西的十诫,其中包括“不可用山羊羔母亲的奶煮山羊羔”。[出埃及 20]