6 The Immaculate Conception
The immaculate conception is not a reference to Jesus being born without sin, but to his mother Mary. Most Christians believe that all people are conceived with original sin (the sin inherited from Adam and Eve) but that Jesus was not. Additionally, the Catholic Church teaches that Mary was also conceived without sin and this is where the term “Immaculate Conception” has come from. [Luke 1:28]
纯洁之胎指的并不是耶稣出生的纯洁无罪,而是关于他的母亲玛利亚。大多数基督徒都相信原罪说(人类继承了亚当和夏娃的罪过),但耶稣并非如此。此外,天主教传授的教义是玛利亚也是纯洁无罪的,这才是“纯洁之胎”一说的由来。[路加福音 1:28]