8 Noah’s Ark
We all know that the “animals went in two by two”… right? Wrong! In fact, all clean animals went in in groups of seven, and unclean animals in groups of two. According to Jewish dietary law, there are far more clean animals than unclean, so the majority of creatures entering the ark went in as a group of 7. [Genesis 7:2-3]
我们都知道“动物都以一公一母的形式被带入方舟”……是吗?错!事实上,凡洁净的畜类是以七公七母的形式带入方舟,而不洁净的畜类,被带入方舟的是一公一母。根据犹太人的饮食规律,洁净的动物远比不洁净的多,所以进入诺亚方舟的大多数动物都是以七公七母的形式。[创世纪 7:2-3]