Kissing may be one of the most wonderful ways of expressing love, affection, and happiness. Depending on who you're kissing, there are tons of different ways to do it -- you kiss your kids much differently than you kiss your spouse.
But there are a lot of things I bet you don't know about kissing (I know I was surprised!). Read on to learn some surprising things about smooching!
1) Kissing is really, really good for you -- We all know kissing FEELS good, but did you know it's good for your health too? Yep! Kissing improves skin, helps our blood circulate, prevents cavities, and can even relieve those pesky headaches! So don't use the whole "I have a headache" excuse the next time you want to get down and dirty!
1. 亲吻真的、真的对你有好处。 我们都知道亲吻的时候感觉很妙,但是你知道这对你的健康也很有好处吗?是的!亲吻可以改善肌肤,促进血液循环,预防蛀牙,甚至还能减轻那些讨厌的头痛!因此下一次你想要拒绝他人的吻并觉得脏的时候,不要用“我头疼”当借口了!
2) Kissing gets you high -- The endorphins (our body's natural painkillers) released during a make-out session are reported to be a whopping 200 times more powerful than a dose of morphine. That would be why you feel giddy and happy after you've been kissing someone dreamy for a while!
2. 亲吻让你兴奋。 据说亲热的时候所释放的内啡肽(我们身体里天然的镇痛剂)比一剂吗啡的功效强大200倍。这或许就是为什么你在与梦中情人亲吻之后感到幸福得快要晕过去了!
3) Kissing is pretty germy -- A single kiss can pass on almost 300 different types of bacteria, and a long kiss can leave you with more than a million bacteria. Be sure to pass the mouthwash and brush your teeth before a good make-out session.
3. 亲吻会传播很多细菌。 小亲一下可以传递将近300种不同的细菌,一个长吻则会给你留下超过一百万个细菌。一定要在好好亲热之前漱漱口、刷刷牙。
4) Kissing can give you diseases -- Mono used to be called "the kissing disease" before we learned that the illness can be picked up on other surfaces as well. One strain of herpes is also passed through kissing, so be careful who you kiss!
4. 亲吻会让你生病。 传染性单核细胞增多症曾被称为“接吻病”,之后我们才知道这种疾病也可能通过其他表面染上。疱疹的破裂也可以因亲吻传播,所以要小心你亲的人!
5) There's no such thing as an "Eskimo kiss" -- You learned as a kid that the act of rubbing noses was considered an "Eskimo kiss." It's not true. Alaskans kiss the same way the rest of the world does.
5. 没有“爱斯基摩吻”这一说。 你小时候所了解的相互摩擦鼻子的行为被称为“爱斯基摩吻”。这不是真的。阿拉斯加州人跟世界上其他地方的人一样也这样亲吻。
6) Kissing is (sometimes) illegal -- There are some antiquated laws that exist around the U.S. In Ceder Rapids, Iowa, for instance, kissing strangers is illegal. In Hartford, Connecticut, it's against the law to kiss your husband on a Sunday! Talk about the need for some new laws, huh?
6. 亲吻(有时)是违法的。 在美国有些地区,比如爱荷华州的锡达拉皮兹,仍存在着一些古老的律法,规定亲吻陌生人是违法的。在康涅狄格州首府哈特福特,在星期天亲吻你的丈夫居然是违法的!该说说你对新律法的需求了,是吧?
7) Kissing vacation -- The average person spends about 15 days of their entire life kissing. Talk about an extra-long vacation!
7. 亲吻假期。 平均一个人会在一生当中花大约15天的时间来亲吻。说说这个额外的长假吧!
8) Kissing burns calories -- French kissing is reported to use 34 different muscles in your face. A short peck can burn a couple of calories, while a passionate embrace can burn 26 calories a minute! Now THAT'S cause for celebration -- and eating a cupcake.
8. 亲吻燃烧卡路里。 据说法式香吻会用到你面部的34块不同的肌肉。轻轻一吻会燃烧两卡,而一个深情的拥抱则会在一分钟内燃烧26卡!
9) Lips are sensitive -- Lips are 100 times more sensitive than the tips of the fingers. Even genitals aren't as sensitive as lips.
9. 嘴唇很敏感。 嘴唇的敏感度比指尖的高达100倍。即便是私处也不及嘴唇敏感。
10) Even primates do it -- Chimps kiss with open mouths (no tongue), and bonobos, the smartest of the primates, kiss with their tongues.
10. 灵长类动物也会亲吻。 黑猩猩会张开嘴亲吻(不用舌头),灵长类动物里最聪明的倭黑猩猩用舌头来亲吻。
Did any of these kissing facts surprise you?