Russia is gearing up for an oil boom on the same scale as the US, as the techniques that sparked the shale revolution are applied to Siberia’s deposits of unconventional oil, according to one of the country’s top oil executives.
Leonid Fedun, vice-president of Lukoil, said Russia, the world’s second-largest oil producer after Saudi Arabia, will be able to maintain crude output of 10m barrels a day for years to come as output from West Siberia’s Bazhenov Shale offsets declines in its mature oilfields.
卢克石油公司(Lukoil)副总裁列奥尼德•费顿(Leonid Fedun)表示,仅次于沙特阿拉伯的全球第二大产油国——俄罗斯将有能力在未来几年保持1000万桶的原油日产量,来自西西伯利亚地区巴热诺夫页岩油田(Bazhenov Shale)的产量将抵消俄罗斯成熟油田产量下滑的影响。
But he said such an outcome hinged on tax breaks the government has promised for the industry. Ministers have proposed a waiver of Russia’s onerous mineral extraction tax for groups drilling in the Bazhenov.
Mr Fedun told the Financial Times that President Vladimir Putin’s goal of keeping Russian oil production at 10m b/d till 2020 was “absolutely realistic”, “but only if these fiscal innovations are introduced”.
费顿告诉英国《金融时报》,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)提出的在2020年前将俄罗斯石油日产量保持在1000万桶的目标“绝对切合实际”,“但前提是落实这些财政创新措施”。
Experts have long placed Russia at or near the top of the list of countries with the potential to replicate North America’s shale revolution. It has huge unconventional resources, a sophisticated oil industry and little of the environmental opposition that has blocked shale in some European countries.