SKAGWAY, ALASKA: Captain Daniel Green, Regent Seven Seas Cruises
"What I really enjoy is nature and one time, so my favourite port has got to be Skagway, Alaska. The last time I visited, we were accompanied by some killer whales on the approach. I slowed the ship and we cruised alongside each other for a long time. The sight was breath-taking and forms some of my best memories at sea."
“我爱的是自然和可遇不可求的经历,所以我最喜爱的港口绝对是阿拉斯加的史凯威港 。我上次去航程中遇到了虎鲸 。我放慢航行速度,和虎鲸们并肩航行了很长的时间 。那真是一个令人激动的场面,构成了我在海上最美好的回忆 。”
Stunning: The rugged, natural beauty of Skagway, Alaska gets Captain Daniel Green every time
惊叹:阿拉斯加史凯威粗犷的自然之美总赢得丹尼尔·格林船长青睐 。