BHP Billiton, the world’s most valuable miner, is to break itself up via a stock market spin-off, signalling an end to years of deals and expansion driven by the commodities boom.
世界上最具价值的矿商——必和必拓(BHP Billiton),即将通过股市剥离进行拆分,这标志着由大宗商品繁荣驱动的多年交易和扩张热潮走到终点。
Heeding investor calls for resources groups to improve returns amid weaker commodities markets, BHP set out plans to improve its performance by demerging its less profitable mines and processing plants.

The spin-off of a new company, with an estimated value of about $13bn, will unwind a large part of the 2001 merger between BHP and Billiton, a landmark mining deal that heralded more tie-ups in the sector and years of China-led growth in commodities markets.
BHP and its rivals spent much of the next decade scrambling to acquire assets to satisfy China’s seemingly insatiable hunger for metals such as iron ore and copper. However, since 2012 a generation of deals-driven leaders – including Tom Albanese at Rio Tinto and Cynthia Carroll at Anglo American – has been forced out amid disappointment at poor investments and huge cost blowouts.
2001年那笔合并案之后的近十年里,必和必拓及其竞争对手争相收购资产,以满足中国对铁矿石和铜等金属貌似永无止境的需求。然而,投资失败和严重超支现象屡屡出现,引发投资者不满,自2012年起,在收购热潮中崛起的一代矿商领袖纷纷被迫离职,其中包括力拓(Rio Tinto)的艾博年(Tom Albanese)以及英美资源公司(Anglo American)的辛西娅•卡罗尔(Cynthia Carroll)。
Marius Kloppers – who as BHP’s chief executive tried to buy Rio, its closest rival – also left last year.
曾尝试收购力拓(与必和必拓实力最接近的竞争对手)的必和必拓前首席执行官高瑞思(Marius Kloppers),去年也离职了。
BHP’s demerger plans, unveiled yesterday by Andrew Mackenzie, Mr Kloppers’ successor, underscore the changing mood in mining over the past 18 months as new chief executives have promised more careful investments and better returns.
昨日由高瑞思的继任者安德鲁•麦肯齐(Andrew Mackenzie)宣布的这项分拆计划,凸显出过去一年半以来矿产行业氛围的变化。必和必拓的新任首席执行官承诺要更加谨慎地对待投资,并提高回报率。
But the Anglo-Australian group disappointed investors by failing to put forward plans to return cash, with Mr Mackenzie admitting a share buyback had been blown off course this year by weaker commodities markets, particularly in iron ore.
“Even though we have done a great job in terms of generating a lot of extra cash through increasing productivity and reducing capital, that has not been quite enough to compensate for the significant reduction in prices,” he said.
“We are not quite there yet in terms of what we thought the balance sheet would need to look like . . . to start a new form of capital management that we felt we could endure for years.”
BHP shares fell nearly 5 per cent in London as investors digested the miner’s plan to use exchanges in Australia and South Africa to list the company holding the demerged assets. The spin-off is expected to be completed next year.
The proposal will mean some UK investors with no mandate to hold non-UK stocks will have to sell the new group’s shares when it lists. “We think small Billiton shareholders could get cashed out with the company buying their shares,” said one London-based trader.
Mr Mackenzie said BHP – which has a dual listing in Australia and the UK – had to treat all investors equally. “We are giving them all exactly the same assets,” he said.