1. EDDAA Little Valkyrie's First Day of School
1. 《埃达:一个小瓦尔基里人在学校的第一天》(Edda:A Little Valkyrie's First Day of School)
Written and illustrated by Adam Auerbach. 32 pp. Christy Ottaviano/Holt. $16.99. (Picture book; ages 4 to 7)
亚当·奥尔巴克(Adam Auerbach)编写、绘图。32页。克里斯蒂·奥塔维亚诺/霍尔特出版社(Christy Ottaviano/Holt)。16.99美元。(图画书;4至7岁)
Edda's home is in Asgard, "a land full of magic and adventure." But Edda, the littlest Valkyrie, doesn't have quite enough to do, until her father flies her "all the way to Earth for the first day of school."

2. The contrast between home and school is hard to get used to (in one, she can ride reindeer; in the other she gazes through glass at the classroom guinea pig). In his first picture book, Auerbach mingles the two worlds unapologetically. Children are likely to appreciate the joke.
2. 她很难适应家里和学校的不同(在仙宫里她可以骑驯鹿;在地球上她透过玻璃观看教室里的天竺鼠)。在奥塔维亚诺的第一本图画书中,他毫不愧疚地把这两个世界混在一起。孩子们很可能会喜欢这个玩笑。
3. 《我的老师是怪物!(不,我不是怪物)》(My Teacher Is a Monster! [No, I Am Not])
Written and illustrated by Peter Brown.40 pp. Little, Brown. $18. (Picture book; ages 4 to 7)
彼得·布朗(Peter Brown)编写、绘图。40页。利特尔布朗出版社(Little, Brown)。18美元。(图画书;4至7岁)
Brown, who won a 2013 Caldecott Honor for "Creepy Carrots!," can really make a teacher look terrifying. Ms. Kirby is as enormous as a rhino, with pointed teeth and big clawed hands. She stomps around and yells, and Bobby, one of the boys in her class, has gotten on her bad side by throwing a paper airplane.
布朗凭借《可怕的胡萝卜!》(Creepy Carrots!)获得了2013年凯迪克好书奖。他真的能让一个老师看起来很可怕。卡比老师(Ms. Kirby)像犀牛一样庞大,有着突出的牙齿和巨大的爪形手。她四处跺脚、喊叫,博比(Bobby)是她班上的一个男孩,他向她投掷纸飞机,惹怒了她。

4. Later, when they meet by accident in the park, it's awkward. But "a gust of wind changed everything," and Bobby learns that appearances are not always as they seem.
4. 后来他们在公园里偶遇,场面有点尴尬。但是“一阵狂风改变了一切”,博比发现老师的外貌并不总是那么可怕。
5. 《星球幼儿园》(Planet Kindergarten)
By Sue Ganz-Schmitt.Illustrated by Shane Prigmore.32 pp. Chronicle. $16.99. (Picture book; ages 4 to 7)
休·甘兹-施密特(Sue Ganz-Schmitt)编写。谢恩·普里格默(Shane Prigmore)绘图。32页。编年出版社(Chronicle)。16.99美元。(图画书;4至7岁)
After careful preparations and a successful blastoff, a boy finds himself in a very unfamiliar environment. "We're aliens from many galaxies on Planet Kindergarten," he reflects as he sees his very varied classmates for the first time.

6. Prigmore, who designs for the movie industry, deploys black backgrounds, bright, popping colors and crazy layouts to give this space adventure visual excitement and madcap humor.
6. 普里格默通常为电影业做设计,他用黑色的背景、爆炸性的鲜艳色彩以及疯狂的版式让这场太空冒险具有视觉冲击力和疯狂的幽默。
7. 《最低年级里最小的女孩》(The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade)
By Justin Roberts.Illustrated by Christian Robinson.32 pp. Putnam. $16.99. (Picture book; ages 4 to 8)
贾斯廷·罗伯茨(Justin Roberts)编写。克里斯蒂安·罗宾逊(Christian Robinson)绘图。32页。帕特南出版社(Putnam)。16.99美元。(图画书;4至8岁)
It makes sense that the author of the long, rhyming lines in "The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade" is a children's music performer. This is a ballad, really, about the power of one small person to fight injustice.
8. Sally, whom no one ever seems to notice, is "paying super extra special attention" to the "terrible stuff" happening around her. When she decides to take action, she's not alone for long. Robinson's colored-pencil illustrations give this inspiring story an appropriately childlike style.
8. 萨莉(Sally)似乎是个没人注意的小姑娘,她“特别关注”发生在她周围的“可怕事情”。在她决定采取行动之后,其他人很快加入了她的行动。罗宾逊的彩色铅笔插图给这个很有启发性的故事带来了适度的天真气息。
9. 《两个男孩被喝倒彩了》(And Two Boys Booed)
By Judith Viorst.Illustrated by Sophie Blackall.32 pp. Margaret Ferguson/Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $16.99. (Lift-the-flap picture book; ages 4 to 8)
朱迪思·维奥斯特(Judith Viorst)编写。索菲·布莱克尔(Sophie Blackall)绘图。32页。玛格利特·弗格森出版社(Margaret Ferguson)/法勒,斯特劳斯&吉鲁出版社(Farrar, Straus & Giroux)。16.99美元。(折页图画书;4至8岁)
Ever felt quietly confident one minute, and a shivering mess the next? In Viorst's witty story about perseverance, a little boy wakes up thinking about singing his song in the class talent show.

10. Blackall, who brings quirky expression to every illustration, shows him under a lift-the-flap patchwork quilt, eyes wide with excitement. But as he waits to perform, even his words get confused: "On the talent of the morning show, I was ready to song my sing." Just doing it turns out to be the solution.
10. 布莱克尔给每幅插图赋予古怪的表情,让那个小男孩在折页拼布被子下面睁着大大的眼睛,一脸兴奋。但是在等待表演时他话都说不利落了:“在早上表演的才艺,我准备好歌我的唱了。”结果证明,大胆去做就是解决方法。