7. Kingdom of the Little People in China
a tourist attraction in Kunming, China where little people less than 51 inches (130 cm) tall dress up in fantasy-themed costumes and perform for tourists. The performers pretend to live in mushroom-shaped houses, but really live in a nearby dormitory. There has been criticism that this is little more than a human zoo, but many of the workers have said they enjoy living and working there.
该旅游胜地位于中国昆明 。小矮人们不高于15英寸(130厘米),他们身着奇装异服,为游客表演节目 。表明上看,小矮人们“住”在蘑菇小屋里,其实不然,他们住在附近的宿舍 。有人谴责到:这无异于“人类动物园” 。但许多表演者称他们喜欢过这样的生活,他们很高兴做这样的工作 。