1. Antennagate
In 2010, some customers who bought the newly released iPhone 4 complained about reception problems when they held the phone a certain way. Allegedly, their grip blocked the internal antennae and prevented them from making calls. Then-CEO Steve Jobs vehemently defended the iPhone, although he admitted that it could lose reception if gripped by the lower left corner. As a result, the company gave out free cases to owners to fix the problem. "This has been blown so out of proportion that it's incredible," Jobs said. "There is no Antennagate."
2010年,有些刚刚购买了新发布的iPhone 4的消费者称,当他们以某种方式持握iPhone 4时,会出现信号接收问题。据说这是因为他们的手挡住了手机内部的天线,导致手机无法接打电话。时任CEO史蒂夫•乔布斯激烈地为iPhone 4辩护,但他自己也承认,如果握住手机的左下角,可能会导致手机失去信号。为了解决这个问题,苹果公司决定向用户赠送免费保护套。乔布斯说:“这个问题被难以置信地夸大了,根本没有什么‘天线门’。”