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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》第12章3

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Why not, said Ford, go mad?“这不是疯了么?”福特说。
In front of them and, of course, totally unaware of their presence for the very good reason that they weren’t actually there, were the three pilots. They had also constructed the ship. They had been on the hill path that night singing wholesome heartwarming songs. Their brains had been very slightly turned by the nearby crash of the alien spaceship. They had spent weeks stripping every tiniest last secret out of the wreckage of that burnt-up spaceship, all the while singing lilting spaceship-stripping ditties. They had then built their own ship and this was it. This was their ship, and they were currently singing a little song about that too, expressing the twin joys of achievement and ownership. The chorus was a little poignant, and told of their sorrow that their work had kept them such long hours in the garage, away from the company of their wives and children, who had missed them terribly but had kept them cheerful by bringing them continual stories of how nicely the puppy was growing up.他们前面那几个人——当然,完全意识不到他们的存在,因为他们本来就不在——便是三位飞行员。这三人也参与了飞船的制造。那个晚上,他们几个也曾在山间小道上,唱着思想健康、内容积极的歌儿。而那艘外星飞船坠毁之后,他们的思维就起了变化。他们用了好几周的时间,拆开飞船残骸,研究每一处细枝末节,口里一边唱着拆飞船之歌。然后,他们就自己造了艘飞船,也就是现在这艘。这是他们自己的飞船。他们正唱着相关歌曲,表达着成功和自主的双重欢欣。和声部分倒有点伤感,唱的是他们在修理厂花了好多时间,没有妻子和孩子的陪伴,心中忧伤。妻儿深深地思念着他们,而终于见面时,却只想保持快乐,还给他们讲了许多关于小狗狗成长过程的故事。
Pow, they took off.砰!起飞了。
They roared into the sky like a ship that knew precisely what it was doing.飞船呼啸着冲向天空,好象很清楚自己的方向。
No way, said Ford a while later after they had recovered from the shock of acceleration, and were climbing up out of the planet’s atmosphere, no way, he repeated, does anyone design and build a ship like this in a year, no matter how motivated. I don’t believe it. Prove it to me and I still won’t believe it. He shook his head thoughtfully and gazed out of a tiny port at the nothingness outside it.“不可能。”福特刚从加速度带来的晕眩中缓过来,便说道。飞船正朝大气层外飞去。“不可能,”他又道,“在一年之内设计、制造出这么一艘飞船来,无论他们信念多么坚定,我都不信。证明给我看也不信。”他若又所思地摇着头,望着远方。
The trip passed uneventfully for a while, and Slartibartfast fastwound them through it. Very quickly, therefore, they arrived at the inner perimeter of the hollow, spherical Dust Cloud which surrounded their sun and home planet, occupying, as it were, the next orbit out.飞行了好久,一切平静。司拉提巴特法斯按下快进。于是很快,他们到达了尘云的边界。就是这空荡荡、球状的尘云团,包裹着他们的恒星和行星,占据着所有的轨道。
It was more as if there was a gradual change in the texture and consistency of space. The darkness seemed now to thrum and ripple past them. It was a very cold darkness, a very blank and heavy darkness, it was the darkness of the night sky of Krikkit.太空的质地和浓度,仿佛在渐渐变化。周围的黑暗仿佛呈波澜状拂过。那是冰冷的黑暗,空虚却沉重的黑暗。那是版求夜空的黑暗。
The coldness and heaviness and blankness of it took a slow grip on Arthur’s heart, and he felt acutely aware of the feelings of the Krikkit pilots which hung in the air like a thick static charge. They were now on the very boundary of the historical knowledge of their race. This was the very limit beyond which none of them had ever speculated, or even known that there was any speculation to be done.这种冰冷、沉重和空虚的感觉,慢慢侵入了阿瑟的心。他深切感受到版求飞行员的心情。此时,他们正漂浮在空中,像个静电荷一样。他们走到了整个种族有史以来知识储备的边界。边界之外,从来没人探究过,甚至从来没人觉得可以探究。
The darkness of the cloud buffeted at the ship. Inside was the silence of history. Their historic mission was to find out if there was anything or anywhere on the other side of the sky, from which the wrecked spaceship could have come, another world maybe, strange and incomprehensible though this thought was to the enclosed minds of those who had lived beneath the sky of Krikkit.黑暗的尘云不断袭来。飞船之内,是静默的历史的时刻。他们身上的历史责任,便是去看看天空另一端究竟为何物何地,那艘坠毁的飞船是从哪儿来的。也许,是另一个世界——就连这个念头,在版求夜空之下人们那闭塞的心灵中,都是怪诞而无法理解的。
History was gathering itself to deliver another blow.历史正用尽全身力量,再给他们猛力一击。
Still the darkness thrummed at them, the blank enclosing darkness. It seemed closer and closer, thicker and thicker, heavier and heavier. And suddenly it was gone.黑暗依然在四周流动。黑暗之外是空虚。一切仿佛越来越近,越来越浓,越来越重。突然之间,没了。
They flew out of the cloud.他们飞出了尘云。
They saw the staggering jewels of the night in their infinite dust and their minds sang with fear.他们看见夜空中那数不尽的、令人眩晕的星之珠宝。他们的心里在尖叫。
For a while they flew on, motionless against the starry sweep of the Galaxy, itself motionless against the infinite sweep of the Universe. And then they turned round.他们又飞了一会儿,无动于衷地面对浩瀚的银河,银河则无动于衷地面对着无垠的宇宙。然后,他们掉转了方向。
It’ll have to go, the men of Krikkit said as they headed back for home.“它得离开。”掉转方向的时候,一个版求人说。
On the way back they sang a number of tuneful and reflective songs on the subjects of peace, justice, morality, culture, sport, family life and the obliteration of all other life forms.回去的路上,他们唱了好多动听又发人深省的歌。主题有:爱、正义、道德、文化、体育、家庭生活,以及灭绝所有其他生命形式。

Why not, said Ford, go mad?
In front of them and, of course, totally unaware of their presence for the very good reason that they weren’t actually there, were the three pilots. They had also constructed the ship. They had been on the hill path that night singing wholesome heartwarming songs. Their brains had been very slightly turned by the nearby crash of the alien spaceship. They had spent weeks stripping every tiniest last secret out of the wreckage of that burnt-up spaceship, all the while singing lilting spaceship-stripping ditties. They had then built their own ship and this was it. This was their ship, and they were currently singing a little song about that too, expressing the twin joys of achievement and ownership. The chorus was a little poignant, and told of their sorrow that their work had kept them such long hours in the garage, away from the company of their wives and children, who had missed them terribly but had kept them cheerful by bringing them continual stories of how nicely the puppy was growing up.
Pow, they took off.
They roared into the sky like a ship that knew precisely what it was doing.
No way, said Ford a while later after they had recovered from the shock of acceleration, and were climbing up out of the planet’s atmosphere, no way, he repeated, does anyone design and build a ship like this in a year, no matter how motivated. I don’t believe it. Prove it to me and I still won’t believe it. He shook his head thoughtfully and gazed out of a tiny port at the nothingness outside it.
The trip passed uneventfully for a while, and Slartibartfast fastwound them through it. Very quickly, therefore, they arrived at the inner perimeter of the hollow, spherical Dust Cloud which surrounded their sun and home planet, occupying, as it were, the next orbit out.
It was more as if there was a gradual change in the texture and consistency of space. The darkness seemed now to thrum and ripple past them. It was a very cold darkness, a very blank and heavy darkness, it was the darkness of the night sky of Krikkit.
The coldness and heaviness and blankness of it took a slow grip on Arthur’s heart, and he felt acutely aware of the feelings of the Krikkit pilots which hung in the air like a thick static charge. They were now on the very boundary of the historical knowledge of their race. This was the very limit beyond which none of them had ever speculated, or even known that there was any speculation to be done.
The darkness of the cloud buffeted at the ship. Inside was the silence of history. Their historic mission was to find out if there was anything or anywhere on the other side of the sky, from which the wrecked spaceship could have come, another world maybe, strange and incomprehensible though this thought was to the enclosed minds of those who had lived beneath the sky of Krikkit.
History was gathering itself to deliver another blow.
Still the darkness thrummed at them, the blank enclosing darkness. It seemed closer and closer, thicker and thicker, heavier and heavier. And suddenly it was gone.
They flew out of the cloud.
They saw the staggering jewels of the night in their infinite dust and their minds sang with fear.
For a while they flew on, motionless against the starry sweep of the Galaxy, itself motionless against the infinite sweep of the Universe. And then they turned round.
It’ll have to go, the men of Krikkit said as they headed back for home.
On the way back they sang a number of tuneful and reflective songs on the subjects of peace, justice, morality, culture, sport, family life and the obliteration of all other life forms.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
ownership ['əunəʃip]


n. 所有权

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界

acceleration [æk.selə'reiʃən]


n. 加速,促进,加速度

ripple ['ripl]


n. 涟波,涟漪,波纹,粗钢梳 vt. 使 ... 起涟

poignant ['pɔinənt]


adj. 悲伤的,痛切的,严厉的,尖锐的,剧烈的,浓烈的

slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地

boundary ['baundri]


n. 分界线,边界

perimeter [pə'rimitə]


n. 周长,周界,边缘

unaware ['ʌnə'wɛə]


adj. 没有发觉的,不知道的

consistency [kən'sistənsi]


n. 坚持,一致性,强度,硬度,浓稠度





