With the end of the year approaching, list season is in full swing, with media ranking the best and worst things of 2014. Gamers deserve a list of their own, especially with the release of Xbox One and PS4 one year ago. In the time since, both systems have unleashed a torrent of interactive games with beautiful graphics.
年末临近,榜单季也如火如荼全面展开,各大媒体纷纷盘点起2014年度之最。游戏玩家们也值得拥有一份自己的榜单,尤其是一年前我们迎来了Xbox One与PS4两款游戏机,一大批画面精美的互动式游戏也陆续登陆这两大平台。

Here we briefly review some of the best games released for both systems over the past year.
Sunset Overdrive
Platform: Xbox One
游戏平台:Xbox One
It is a diverse open-world shooting game. It’s set in a city where people have ingested an energy drink that’s turned them into mutants. Players must escape the city by blasting enemies and collecting fun gadgets. One of the game’s big selling points is its action-oriented movement. Every area is full of rails you can slide on and walls you can run along. “Never has getting from Point A to Point B in an open-world game provided so much enjoyment,” said IGN. “It provides some of the most fun, frantic, and fantastic gaming.”
来源:可可英语 //m.moreplr.com/read/201412/346996.shtml