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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》第19章1

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Although it has been said that on Earth alone in our Galaxy is Krikkit (or cricket) treated as fit subject for a game, and that for this reason the Earth has been shunned, this does only apply to our Galaxy, and more specifically to our dimension. In some of the higher dimensions they feel they can more or less please themselves, and have been playing a peculiar game called Brockian Ultra-Cricket for whatever their transdimensional equivalent of billions of years is.前面提到:整个银河系中,地球人是唯一把版求(或板球)当成健身活动的种族。因此别人都不想理地球人。不过,这只是对咱们的星系而言,尤其只对咱们的维度而言。在更高维度的世界里,人们乐于进行一种游戏,名叫“坏小子极端板球”——这是与原名隔了几十亿年之远的超维度译名。
Let’s be blunt, it’s a nasty game (says The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) but then anyone who has been to any of the higher dimensions will know that they’re a pretty nasty heathen lot up there who should just be smashed and done in, and would be, too, if anyone could work out a way of firing missiles at right-angles to reality.“说白了,这是个讨厌的游戏,”(《银河系漫游指南》如是说)——“当然,如果如果有谁去过更高维度的世界里,他会发现,那儿全是讨厌的野蛮人,那帮人真正该死——要是谁能搞出向高维度世界发射导弹的技术的话,就太好了。”
This is another example of the fact that The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy will employ anybody who wants to walk straight in off the street and get ripped off, especially if they happen to walk in off the street during the afternoon, when very few of the regular staff are there.There is a fundamental point here.也正因为如此,如果谁愿意走在大街上、然后被扒窃,那么《银河系漫游指南》就会雇佣他。尤其是若他愿意走在下午的大街上的话——那时普通员工都很少出现的。
The history of The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is one of idealism, struggle, despair, passion, success, failure, and enormously long lunch-breaks.《指南》的历史,充满着理想主义、奋斗、绝望、激情、成功、失败,以及格外长久的午餐休息时间。
The earliest origins of the Guide are now, along with most of its financial records, lost in the mists of time.《指南》的最初来源,已经和它大部分的财务记录一起,遗失在时间的迷雾中了。
For other, and more curious theories about where they are lost, see below.关于它们的踪迹,更多新奇理论参见下文。
Most of the surviving stories, however, speak of a founding editor called Hurling Frootmig.有位元老级编辑——赫令·弗卢米,常常出现在一些励志故事里。
Hurling Frootmig, it is said, founded the Guide, established its fundamental principles of honesty and idealism, and went bust.据说,赫令·弗卢米创立了《指南》,为其设立了诚信与理想主义的基本原则,然后就破产了。
There followed many years of penury and heart-searching during which he consulted friends, sat in darkened rooms in illegal states of mind, thought about this and that, fooled about with weights, and then, after a chance encounter with the Holy Lunching Friars of Voondon (who claimed that just as lunch was at the centre of a man’s temporal day, and man’s temporal day could be seen as an analogy for his spiritual life, so Lunch should多年来,他经历了赤贫与自省、靠朋友过活、独处暗室、神经紊乱、想东想西、体重巨幅变化。偶然间,他结识了巫顿圣午餐修行会的人(那些人宣称:由于午餐是尘世生活一天的中心,而尘世生活约等于一个人的精神生活,所以,午餐应该:
(a) be seen as the centre of a man’s spiritual life, anda. 被视为人的精神生活的中心,且
(b) be held in jolly nice restaurants), he refounded the Guide, laid down its fundamental principles of honesty and idealism and where you could stuff them both, and led the Guide on to its first major commercial success.b. 在很棒的餐厅里享用。)于是,他重新修订了《指南》,为其设立新的基本原则——诚信,理想主义、以及能把它俩都抛九霄云外的地方。由此,《指南》迎来了第一次巨大的商业成功。
He also started to develop and explore the role of the editorial lunch-break which was subsequently to play such a crucial part in the Guide’s history, since it meant that most of the actual work got done by any passing stranger who happened to wander into the empty offices on an afternoon and saw something worth doing.他开始充分利用作为总编所享有的午餐时间,这在《指南》的历史上影响深远。这意味着,大多数实际工作都将由过客来完成。这些人恰好走进空荡荡的办公室,看见有些活儿可以干,于是就真的干起来了。
Shortly after this, the Guide was taken over by Megadodo Publications of Ursa Minor Beta, thus putting the whole thing on a very sound financial footing, and allowing the fourth editor, Lig Lury Jr., to embark on lunch-breaks of such breathtaking scope that even the efforts of recent editors, who have started undertaking sponsored lunch-breaks for charity, seem like mere sandwiches in comparison.不久,《指南》被小熊星座β星的巨渡渡鸟出版社接手,从而拥有了雄厚的经济基础,从而使它的第四任主编——小里格·勒瑞,享有了无比绵长、不可思议的午餐时间。纵然,近几年的主编甚至还有午餐时间赞助商,但与他相比也只是小葱见大葱。
In fact, Lig never formally resigned his editorship he merely left his office late one morning and has never since returned. Though well over a century has now passed, many members of the Guide’s staff still retain the romantic notion that he has simply popped out for a ham croissant, and will yet return to put in a solid afternoon’s work.实际上,里格并未正式退下主编之位——他只是某天早上离开了办公室,然后再也没回来。一个多世纪过去了,《指南》的许多员工依然坚信,他不过是去买火腿牛角面包而已,很快就会回来,继续下午的工作。
Strictly speaking, all editors since Lig Lury Jr. have therefore been designated Acting Editors, and Lig’s desk is still preserved the way he left it, with the addition of a small sign which says:严格说来,之后的主编都是代理主编。里格的办公桌仍保持他离开时的样子,上面摆了一个小牌子:小里格·勒瑞,失踪中。估计已用餐。
Lig Lury Jr., Editor, Missing, presumed Fed.

Although it has been said that on Earth alone in our Galaxy is Krikkit (or cricket) treated as fit subject for a game, and that for this reason the Earth has been shunned, this does only apply to our Galaxy, and more specifically to our dimension. In some of the higher dimensions they feel they can more or less please themselves, and have been playing a peculiar game called Brockian Ultra-Cricket for whatever their transdimensional equivalent of billions of years is.
Let’s be blunt, it’s a nasty game (says The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) but then anyone who has been to any of the higher dimensions will know that they’re a pretty nasty heathen lot up there who should just be smashed and done in, and would be, too, if anyone could work out a way of firing missiles at right-angles to reality.
This is another example of the fact that The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy will employ anybody who wants to walk straight in off the street and get ripped off, especially if they happen to walk in off the street during the afternoon, when very few of the regular staff are there.There is a fundamental point here.
The history of The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is one of idealism, struggle, despair, passion, success, failure, and enormously long lunch-breaks.
The earliest origins of the Guide are now, along with most of its financial records, lost in the mists of time.
For other, and more curious theories about where they are lost, see below.
Most of the surviving stories, however, speak of a founding editor called Hurling Frootmig.
Hurling Frootmig, it is said, founded the Guide, established its fundamental principles of honesty and idealism, and went bust.
There followed many years of penury and heart-searching during which he consulted friends, sat in darkened rooms in illegal states of mind, thought about this and that, fooled about with weights, and then, after a chance encounter with the Holy Lunching Friars of Voondon (who claimed that just as lunch was at the centre of a man’s temporal day, and man’s temporal day could be seen as an analogy for his spiritual life, so Lunch should
(a) be seen as the centre of a man’s spiritual life, and
(b) be held in jolly nice restaurants), he refounded the Guide, laid down its fundamental principles of honesty and idealism and where you could stuff them both, and led the Guide on to its first major commercial success.
He also started to develop and explore the role of the editorial lunch-break which was subsequently to play such a crucial part in the Guide’s history, since it meant that most of the actual work got done by any passing stranger who happened to wander into the empty offices on an afternoon and saw something worth doing.
Shortly after this, the Guide was taken over by Megadodo Publications of Ursa Minor Beta, thus putting the whole thing on a very sound financial footing, and allowing the fourth editor, Lig Lury Jr., to embark on lunch-breaks of such breathtaking scope that even the efforts of recent editors, who have started undertaking sponsored lunch-breaks for charity, seem like mere sandwiches in comparison.
In fact, Lig never formally resigned his editorship he merely left his office late one morning and has never since returned. Though well over a century has now passed, many members of the Guide’s staff still retain the romantic notion that he has simply popped out for a ham croissant, and will yet return to put in a solid afternoon’s work.
Strictly speaking, all editors since Lig Lury Jr. have therefore been designated Acting Editors, and Lig’s desk is still preserved the way he left it, with the addition of a small sign which says:
Lig Lury Jr., Editor, Missing, presumed Fed.

a. 被视为人的精神生活的中心,且
b. 在很棒的餐厅里享用。)于是,他重新修订了《指南》,为其设立新的基本原则——诚信,理想主义、以及能把它俩都抛九霄云外的地方。由此,《指南》迎来了第一次巨大的商业成功。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
established [is'tæbliʃt]


adj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est

scope [skəup]


n. 能力,范围,眼界,机会,余地
vt. 仔

honesty ['ɔnisti]


n. 诚实,正直

resigned [ri'zaind]


adj. 认命的,顺从的,听任的 动词resign的过去

illegal [i'li:gəl]


adj. 不合法的,非法的
n. 非法移民

addition [ə'diʃən]


n. 增加,附加物,加法

explore [iks'plɔ:]


v. 探险,探测,探究

curious ['kjuəriəs]


adj. 好奇的,奇特的

romantic [rə'mæntik]


adj. 浪漫的
n. 浪漫的人

idealism [ai'diəlizəm]


n. 唯心论,唯心主义,观念论,理想主义





