Daylight exploded around them. Hot, heavy sun. A desert plain stretched out ahead in a haze of heat. They thundered out into it.
‘Jump!’ shouted Ford Prefect.
‘What?’ shouted Arthur Dent, holding on for dear life.
There was no reply.
‘What did you say?’ shouted Arthur again, and then realized that Ford Prefect was no longer there. He looked around in panic and started to slip. Realising he couldn’t hold on any longer he pushed himself sideways as hard as he could and rolled into a ball as he hit the ground, rolling, rolling away from the pounding hooves.
What a day, he thought, as he started furiously coughing dust up out of his lungs. He hadn’t had a day as bad as this since the Earth had been blown up. He staggered up to his knees, and then up to his feet and started to run away. He didn’t know what from or what to, but running away seemed a prudent move.
He ran straight into Ford Prefect who was standing there surveying the scene.
‘Look,’ said Ford. ‘That is precisely what we need.’
Arthur coughed up some more dust, and wiped some other dust out of his hair and eyes. He turned, panting, to look at what Ford was looking at.
It didn’t look much like the domain of a King, or the King, or any kind of King. It looked quite inviting though.