Iceland's government would like everyone to know that it will not pay foreign men $5,000 a month if they marry Icelandic women.
The rumour appears to have started with The Spirit Whispers, a blog that promotes fake international news stories meant to go viral.
The Spirit Whispers是一个专门制造传播假新闻骗取点击量的博客,娶冰岛妹子就可以拿补贴这则谣言就是从这里传出来的。
The posts are riddled with spelling and grammar errors, and rarely cite any sources for their fantastical reporting, but the Iceland story has gotten more than 120,000 shares, likes, and comments on Facebook since it was published in late June.

According to the hoax, Iceland has a gender imbalance so severe that the government's solution is to pay foreign men $5,000 a month to relocate to the country and marry an Icelandic woman.
Apparently, "priority in this resolution will go to North Africa's population."
The bullshit story has been republished by a handful of other sites and blogs, and widely shared on social media.
One Icelandic woman — a streamer on Twitch who goes by Sanxyra — told BuzzFeed News that, seemingly overnight, many of her female friends were being inundated with friend requests and messages on Facebook.
在Twitch上面网名为Sanxyra的一位冰岛女子在接受《BuzzFeed News》采访时表示,似乎就是一夜之间,她的许多女性朋友脸书上突然就多了很多好友请求。
"Some men started off with flirting, others went straight to proposals," Sanxyra said via email. "Most of the girls just laughed about this, and ignored the messages."
For the record, Iceland does not have a gender imbalance, as even a minute of googling will show you.
But that hasn't stopped lots of people from falling for the hoax. In addition to the thousands of men who have been trying to find Icelandic mates on Facebook.
In the last few months, about 30 people have contacted Iceland's Ministry for Foreign Affairs for more information on how to get paid for their services, a spokesperson told BuzzFeed News.
一位发言人在接受《BuzzFeed News》采访时声称,在刚刚过去的几个月里,大约有30个人联系了冰岛外交部,咨询具体怎样才能拿到这5000美金。