The Bank of Japan has launched anunprecedented new kind of monetary easing as it set a cap on 10-year bondyields and vowed to overshoot its 2 per cent inflation target on purpose.
Its decision demonstrates that even eightyears after the global financial crisis, central bankers are still willing toexperiment with new monetary policy tools, as they struggle to escape from lowinflation around the world.
The move marks another effort by HaruhikoKuroda, BoJ governor, to surprise market expectations by doubling down on easypolicy in order to signal his determination for Japan to escape its decades ofon-and-off deflation.
此举标志着,日本央行行长黑田东彦(Haruhiko Kuroda,上图)再次采取了出乎市场预料的行动,加倍押注于宽松政策,以表明他决意使日本摆脱数十年来时断时续的通缩。
But the question for Mr Kuroda is whether 3½years ofslow progress on prices have damaged the BoJ’s credibility toomuch for promises of higher inflation to be taken seriously by the public.
“The price stability target of 2 per centhas not been achieved... [and] this is largely due to developments in inflationexpectations,” said the BoJ. “Inflation expectations need to be raised furtherin order to achieve the price stability target.”
Markets reacted positively, with the yenlosing 1 per cent to ¥102.7 against the dollar, while Japan’s broadbenchmark Topix index was up 2.5 per cent and the Nikkei 225 rallied 1.8 percent.
市场对此反应积极。日元相对美元下跌1%,至1美元兑102.7日元。日本综合基准指数东证指数(Topix)上涨2.5%,日经225指数(Nikkei 225)上涨1.8%。
The BoJ kept interest rates on hold at minus0.1 per cent —describing further rate cuts as a “possible option foradditional easing”—but announced a new framework with two main elements.
The first is a pledge to cap 10-yeargovernment bond yields at zero per cent. In essence, that means the BoJ ispromising to buy any bonds offered for sale at that price.
Second, the BoJ has pledged to continue buyingassets until inflation “exceeds the price stability target of 2 per cent and stays above thetarget in a stable manner”.